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CategorizingPluginManagerInterface.php in Plug 7


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 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\Component\Plugin\CategorizingPluginManagerInterface.
namespace Drupal\Component\Plugin;

 * Defines an interface for plugin managers that categorize plugin definitions.
interface CategorizingPluginManagerInterface extends PluginManagerInterface {

   * Gets the names of all categories.
   * @return string[]
   *   An array of translated categories, sorted alphabetically.
  public function getCategories();

   * Gets sorted plugin definitions.
   * @param array[]|null $definitions
   *   (optional) The plugin definitions to sort. If omitted, all plugin
   *   definitions are used.
   * @return array[]
   *   An array of plugin definitions, sorted by category and label.
  public function getSortedDefinitions(array $definitions = NULL);

   * Gets sorted plugin definitions grouped by category.
   * In addition to grouping, both categories and its entries are sorted,
   * whereas plugin definitions are sorted by label.
   * @param array[]|null $definitions
   *   (optional) The plugin definitions to group. If omitted, all plugin
   *   definitions are used.
   * @return array[]
   *   Keys are category names, and values are arrays of which the keys are
   *   plugin IDs and the values are plugin definitions.
  public function getGroupedDefinitions(array $definitions = NULL);



Namesort descending Description
CategorizingPluginManagerInterface Defines an interface for plugin managers that categorize plugin definitions.