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PictureMappingForm.php in Picture 8




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 * @file
 * Contains Drupal\picture\PictureMappingForm.
namespace Drupal\picture;

use Drupal\responsive_image\ResponsiveImageStyleForm;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;

 * Form controller for the responsive image edit/add forms.
class PictureMappingForm extends ResponsiveImageStyleForm {

   * Overrides Drupal\responsive_image\ResponsiveImageForm::form().
   * @param array $form
   *   A nested array form elements comprising the form.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
   *   The current state of the form.
   * @return array
   *   The array containing the complete form.
  public function form(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $form = parent::form($form, $form_state);
    $image_styles = image_style_options(TRUE);
    $image_styles[RESPONSIVE_IMAGE_EMPTY_IMAGE] = $this
      ->t('- empty image -');
    $breakpoints = $this->breakpointManager
    foreach ($breakpoints as $breakpoint_id => $breakpoint) {
      foreach ($breakpoint
        ->getMultipliers() as $multiplier) {
        $label = $multiplier . ' ' . $breakpoint
          ->getLabel() . ' [' . $breakpoint
          ->getMediaQuery() . ']';
        $form['keyed_styles'][$breakpoint_id][$multiplier] = array(
          '#type' => 'details',
          '#title' => $label,
        $mapping_definition = $this->entity
          ->getImageStyleMapping($breakpoint_id, $multiplier);
        $form['keyed_styles'][$breakpoint_id][$multiplier]['image_mapping_type'] = array(
          '#title' => $this
            ->t('Image mapping type'),
          '#type' => 'radios',
          '#options' => array(
            '_none' => $this
              ->t('Do not use this breakpoint'),
            'image_style' => $this
              ->t('Use image styles'),
            'sizes' => $this
              ->t('Use the sizes attribute'),
          '#default_value' => isset($mapping_definition['image_mapping_type']) ? $mapping_definition['image_mapping_type'] : '_none',
        $form['keyed_styles'][$breakpoint_id][$multiplier]['image_mapping'] = array(
          '#type' => 'select',
          '#title' => $this
            ->t('Image style'),
          '#options' => $image_styles,
          '#default_value' => isset($mapping_definition['image_mapping']) && is_string($mapping_definition['image_mapping']) ? $mapping_definition['image_mapping'] : '',
          '#description' => $this
            ->t('Select an image style for this breakpoint.'),
          '#states' => array(
            'visible' => array(
              ':input[name="keyed_styles[' . $breakpoint_id . '][' . $multiplier . '][image_mapping_type]"]' => array(
                'value' => 'image_style',
        $form['keyed_styles'][$breakpoint_id][$multiplier]['sizes'] = array(
          '#type' => 'textfield',
          '#title' => $this
          '#default_value' => isset($mapping_definition['image_mapping']['sizes']) ? $mapping_definition['image_mapping']['sizes'] : '',
          '#description' => $this
            ->t('Enter the value for the sizes attribute (e.g. "(min-width:700px) 700px, 100vw").'),
          '#states' => array(
            'visible' => array(
              ':input[name="keyed_styles[' . $breakpoint_id . '][' . $multiplier . '][image_mapping_type]"]' => array(
                'value' => 'sizes',
        $form['keyed_styles'][$breakpoint_id][$multiplier]['sizes_image_styles'] = array(
          '#title' => $this
            ->t('Image styles'),
          '#type' => 'checkboxes',
          '#options' => array_diff_key($image_styles, array(
            '' => '',
          '#default_value' => isset($mapping_definition['image_mapping']['sizes_image_styles']) && is_array($mapping_definition['image_mapping']['sizes_image_styles']) ? $mapping_definition['image_mapping']['sizes_image_styles'] : array(),
          '#states' => array(
            'visible' => array(
              ':input[name="keyed_styles[' . $breakpoint_id . '][' . $multiplier . '][image_mapping_type]"]' => array(
                'value' => 'sizes',
    return $form;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function validate(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    parent::validate($form, $form_state);

    // Only validate on edit.
    if ($form_state
      ->hasValue('keyed_styles')) {
      $styles = $form_state
      foreach ($styles as $breakpoint_id => $multiplier_styles) {
        foreach ($multiplier_styles as $multiplier => $style) {
          if ($style['image_mapping_type'] == 'sizes') {
            ), array(
              'sizes_image_styles' => array_filter($style['sizes_image_styles']),
              'sizes' => $style['sizes'],
          elseif ($style['image_mapping_type'] != 'image_style') {



Namesort descending Description
PictureMappingForm Form controller for the responsive image edit/add forms.