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Functions in Picture 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
picture_schema ./picture.install Implements hook_schema().
picture_theme ./picture.module Implements hook_theme().
picture_uninstall ./picture.install Implements hook_uninstall().
picture_update_7001 ./picture.install Update to the new file display formatter provided by file_entity.module.
picture_update_7002 ./picture.install Update field formatters to the new colorbox settings.
picture_wysiwyg_editor_settings_alter ./picture.module Implements hook_wysiwyg_editor_settings_alter().
picture_wysiwyg_plugin ./picture.module Implements hook_wysiwyg_plugin() to modify the CKEditor image dialog for use with the picture module.
template_preprocess_flexslider_picture_list flexslider_picture/theme/ Process the items and prepare the item slides to be rendered. 1
theme_flexslider_picture_list flexslider_picture/theme/ Theme callback. 1
theme_picture ./picture.module Returns HTML for a picture.
theme_picture_formatter ./picture.module Theme picture.
theme_picture_formatter_colorbox ./picture.module Theme function to add support for colorbox.
theme_picture_source ./picture.module Returns HTML for a source tag.
_flexslider_picture_ctools_export_ui_edit_item_form_submit flexslider_picture/flexslider_picture.module Submit callback. 1
_picture_filter_prepare_image ./picture.module Prepares a Render Array for theme_picture_formatter(). It is similar to picture_field_formatter_view() with modifications for inline images. 1
_picture_filter_process ./picture.module Process callback for inline image filter. 1
_picture_filter_tips ./picture.module Implements callback_filter_tips(). 1
_picture_image_style_url ./picture.module Wrapper around image_style_url() so we can return an empty image. 1
_picture_update_to_file_entity_2 ./ Update picture module to version 2 of File Entity module. 2


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