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namespace Drupal\physical in Physical Fields 8

Classsort descending Location Description
Area src/Area.php Provides a value object for area amounts.
AreaUnit src/AreaUnit.php Provides area units.
Calculator src/Calculator.php Provides helpers for bcmath-based arithmetic.
Length src/Length.php Provides a value object for length amounts.
LengthUnit src/LengthUnit.php Provides length units.
Measurement src/Measurement.php Provides a base class for measurement value objects.
MeasurementType src/MeasurementType.php Provides measurement types.
NumberFormatter src/NumberFormatter.php Default number formatter.
NumberFormatterInterface src/NumberFormatterInterface.php Allows parsing and formatting numbers using language-specific rules.
Temperature src/Temperature.php Provides a value object for temperature amounts.
TemperatureUnit src/TemperatureUnit.php Provides common temperature units.
UnitInterface src/UnitInterface.php Provides the interface for unit classes.
Volume src/Volume.php Provides a value object for volume amounts.
VolumeUnit src/VolumeUnit.php Provides volume units.
Weight src/Weight.php Provides a value object for weight amounts.
WeightUnit src/WeightUnit.php Provides weight units.