You are here in PHPExcel 7.2

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  2. 7.3

Defines the phpexcel api functions that other modules can use.

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 * @file
 * Defines the phpexcel api functions that other modules can use.

 * Simple API function which will generate an XLS file and
 * save it in $path.
 * @param array $headers
 * 						An array containing all headers. If given a two-dimensional array,
 *            each first dimension entry will be on a separate worksheet
 *						($headers[sheet][header]).
 * @param array $data
 * 						A two-dimensional array containing all data ($data[row][column]).
 *            If given a three-dimensional array, each first dimension
 * 						entry will be on a separate worksheet ($data[sheet][row][column]).
 * @param string $path
 * 						The path where the file must be saved. Must be writable.
 * @param array $options
 *            An array which allows to set some specific options.
 * 						Used keys:
 * 								[format] = The EXCEL format. Can be either 'xls' or 'xlsx'
 * 								[creator] = The name of the creator
 * 								[title] = The title
 * 								[subject] = The subject
 * 								[description] = The description
 *            The options array will always be passed to all the hooks. If
 *						developers need specific information for their own hooks, they
 *						can add any data to this array.
 * @return bool
 * 						TRUE on success, FALSE on error. Look in watchdog logs for information
 *            about errors.
function phpexcel_export($headers = array(), $data = array(), $path = '', $options = NULL) {
  if (!count($headers) && (!isset($options['ignore_headers']) || isset($options['ignore_headers']) && !$options['ignore_headers'])) {
    watchdog('phpexcel', "You must provide at lease one header entry!", array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;
  if (!count($data)) {
    watchdog('phpexcel', "No data provided!", array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;
  if (!(is_writable($path) || !file_exists($path) && is_writable(dirname($path)))) {
    watchdog('phpexcel', "Path '@path' is not writable!", array(
      '@path' => $path,
    return FALSE;
  if (!file_exists('sites/all/libraries/PHPExcel/PHPExcel.php')) {
    watchdog('phpexcel', "Couldn't find the PHPExcel library! ", array(), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;
  require_once 'sites/all/libraries/PHPExcel/PHPExcel.php';
  $path = phpexcel_munge_filename($path);

  // Can we use Memcache ?
  $memcache = variable_get('phpexcel_memcache', '');
  if (empty($memcache) || !($cache_method = PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::cache_to_memcache)) {
    $cache_method = PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorageFactory::cache_in_memory_gzip;
    $cache_settings = array();
  else {
    $cache_settings = array(
      'memcacheServer' => $memcache,
  PHPExcel_Settings::setCacheStorageMethod($cache_method, $cache_settings);

  // Must we render from a template file ?
  if (!empty($options['template'])) {
    $xls_reader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile($options['template']);
    $xls = $xls_reader
  else {
    $xls = new PHPExcel();
    ->getProperties(), $options);

  // Must we ignore the headers ?
  if (empty($options['ignore_headers'])) {
    _phpexcel_set_headers($xls, $headers, $options);
  _phpexcel_set_columns($xls, $data, empty($options['ignore_headers']) ? $headers : NULL, $options);
  if (!isset($options['format']) || $options['format'] == 'xls') {
    $writer = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel5($xls);
  else {
    $writer = new PHPExcel_Writer_Excel2007($xls);
  return file_exists($path);

 * Simple API function which allows to export a db_query() result to an Excel file.
 * The headers will be set to the names of the exported columns.
 * @see phpexcel_export()
 * @param result $result
 * 							The MySQL result object.
 * @param string $path
 * 							The path where the file should be saved. Must be writable.
 * @param array $options
 * 							An array which allows to set some specific options.
 * @return bool
 * 							TRUE on success, FALSE on error. Look into watchdog logs for information
 *              about errors.
function phpexcel_export_db_result($result, $path, $options = array()) {
  $data = array();
  while ($row = $result
    ->fetchAssoc()) {
    if (!isset($headers)) {
      $headers = array_keys($row);
    $data[] = array_values($row);
  return phpexcel_export($headers, $data, $path, $options);

 * Sets the Excel file properties, like creator, title, etc.
 * @see phpexcel_export()
function _phpexcel_set_properties($properties, $options) {
  if (isset($options['creator'])) {
  else {
  if (isset($options['title'])) {
  if (isset($options['subject'])) {
  if (isset($options['description'])) {

 * Sets the Excel file headers.
 * @see phpexcel_export()
function _phpexcel_set_headers($xls, &$headers, $options) {
  if (!is_array(reset(array_values($headers)))) {
    $headers = array(
  phpexcel_invoke('export', 'headers', $headers, $xls, $options);
  $sheet_id = 0;
  foreach ($headers as $sheet_name => $sheet_headers) {
    phpexcel_invoke('export', 'new sheet', $sheet_id, $xls, $options);
    $sheet = $xls
    if (!is_numeric($sheet_name)) {
    else {
        ->setTitle("Worksheet {$sheet_id}");
    for ($i = 0, $len = count($sheet_headers); $i < $len; $i++) {
      $value = trim($sheet_headers[$i]);
      phpexcel_invoke('export', 'pre cell', $value, $sheet, $options, $i, 1);
        ->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($i, 1, $value);
      phpexcel_invoke('export', 'post cell', $value, $sheet, $options, $i, 1);

 * Adds the data to the Excel file.
 * @see phpexcel_export()
function _phpexcel_set_columns($xls, &$data, $headers = NULL, $options = array()) {
  if (!is_array(reset(reset(array_values($data))))) {
    $data = array(
  phpexcel_invoke('export', 'data', $data, $xls, $options);
  $sheet_id = 0;
  foreach ($data as $sheet_name => $sheet_data) {

    // If the headers are not set, we haven't created any sheets yet.
    // Create them now.
    if (!isset($headers)) {
      $offset = 1;
      phpexcel_invoke('export', 'new sheet', $sheet_id, $xls, $options);
      $sheet = $xls
      if (!is_numeric($sheet_name)) {
      else {
          ->setTitle("Worksheet {$sheet_id}");
    else {
      $offset = 2;
      $sheet = $xls
    $col_count = NULL;

    // Reset column count.
    for ($i = 0, $len = count($sheet_data); $i < $len; $i++) {

      // Set new column count.
      if (!isset($col_count)) {
        $col_count = isset($headers) ? count($headers[$sheet_name]) : count($sheet_data[$i]);
      for ($j = 0; $j < $col_count; $j++) {
        $value = isset($sheet_data[$i][$j]) ? $sheet_data[$i][$j] : '';

        // We must offset the row count (by 2, because PHPExcel starts the count at 1), because the first row is used by the headers
        phpexcel_invoke('export', 'pre cell', $value, $sheet, $options, $j, $i + $offset);
          ->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($j, $i + $offset, $value);
        phpexcel_invoke('export', 'post cell', $value, $sheet, $options, $j, $i + $offset);

 * Simple API function that will load an Excel file from $path and parse it
 * as a multidimensional array.
 * @param string $path
 * 						The path to the Excel file. Must be readable.
 * @param boolean $keyed_by_headers = TRUE
 * 						If TRUE, will key the row array with the header values and will
 * 						skip the header row. If FALSE, will contain the headers in the first
 * 						row and the rows will be keyed numerically.
 * @return array|boolean
 * 						The parsed data as an array on success, FALSE on error. Look into
 * 						watchdog logs for information about errors.
function phpexcel_import($path, $keyed_by_headers = TRUE) {
  if (is_readable($path)) {
    require_once 'sites/all/libraries/PHPExcel/PHPExcel.php';
    $xls_reader = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReaderForFile($path);
    $xls_data = $xls_reader
    $data = array();
    $headers = array();
    $i = 0;
    phpexcel_invoke('import', 'full', $xls_data, $xls_reader, array(
      'keyed_by_headers' => $keyed_by_headers,
    foreach ($xls_data
      ->getWorksheetIterator() as $worksheet) {
      $j = 0;
      phpexcel_invoke('import', 'sheet', $worksheet, $xls_reader, array(
        'keyed_by_headers' => $keyed_by_headers,
      foreach ($worksheet
        ->getRowIterator() as $row) {
        $k = 0;
        phpexcel_invoke('import', 'row', $row, $xls_reader, array(
          'keyed_by_headers' => $keyed_by_headers,
        $cells = $row
        foreach ($cells as $cell) {
          if (!$j && $keyed_by_headers) {
            $value = $cell
              ->getValue() ? trim($cell
              ->getValue()) : $k;
            phpexcel_invoke('import', 'pre cell', $value, $cell, array(
              'keyed_by_headers' => $keyed_by_headers,
            ), $k, $j);
            $headers[$i][] = $value;
          elseif ($keyed_by_headers) {
            $value = $cell
              ->getValue() ? $cell
              ->getValue() : '';
            phpexcel_invoke('import', 'pre cell', $value, $cell, array(
              'keyed_by_headers' => $keyed_by_headers,
            ), $k, $j);
            $data[$i][$j - 1][$headers[$i][$k]] = $value;
            phpexcel_invoke('import', 'post cell', $data[$i][$j - 1][$headers[$i][$k]], $cell, array(
              'keyed_by_headers' => $keyed_by_headers,
            ), $k, $j);
          else {
            $value = $cell
              ->getValue() ? $cell
              ->getValue() : '';
            phpexcel_invoke('import', 'pre cell', $value, $cell, array(
              'keyed_by_headers' => $keyed_by_headers,
            ), $k, $j);
            $data[$i][$j][] = $value;
            phpexcel_invoke('import', 'post cell', $data[$i][$j][$k], $cell, array(
              'keyed_by_headers' => $keyed_by_headers,
            ), $k, $j);
    return $data;
  else {
    watchdog('phpexcel', "The path '!path' is not readable !", array(
      '!path' => $path,
    return FALSE;

 * Invokes phpexcel hooks
 * We need a custom hook-invoke method, because we need to pass parameters by
 * reference.
function phpexcel_invoke($hook, $op, &$data, $phpexcel, $options, $column = NULL, $row = NULL) {
  foreach (module_implements('phpexcel_' . $hook) as $module) {
    $function = $module . '_phpexcel_' . $hook;
    $function($op, $data, $phpexcel, $options, $column, $row);

 * Munges the filename in the path.
 * We can't use drupals file_munge_filename() directly because the $path variable
 * contains the path as well.
 * Separate the filename from the directory structure, munge it and return.
 * @param string $path
 * @return string
function phpexcel_munge_filename($path) {
  $parts = explode('/', $path);
  $filename = array_pop($parts);
  return implode('/', $parts) . '/' . file_munge_filename($filename, 'xls xlsx');


Namesort descending Description
phpexcel_export Simple API function which will generate an XLS file and save it in $path.
phpexcel_export_db_result Simple API function which allows to export a db_query() result to an Excel file. The headers will be set to the names of the exported columns.
phpexcel_import Simple API function that will load an Excel file from $path and parse it as a multidimensional array.
phpexcel_invoke Invokes phpexcel hooks We need a custom hook-invoke method, because we need to pass parameters by reference.
phpexcel_munge_filename Munges the filename in the path. We can't use drupals file_munge_filename() directly because the $path variable contains the path as well. Separate the filename from the directory structure, munge it and return.
_phpexcel_set_columns Adds the data to the Excel file.
_phpexcel_set_headers Sets the Excel file headers.
_phpexcel_set_properties Sets the Excel file properties, like creator, title, etc.