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photoswipe.module in PhotoSwipe 3.x

Photswipe integration with Drupal module.


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 * @file
 * Photswipe integration with Drupal module.
use Drupal\Core\Routing\RouteMatchInterface;

 * Implements hook_libraries_info().
function photoswipe_libraries_info() {
  $libraries['photoswipe'] = [
    'name' => 'Photoswipe',
    'vendor url' => '',
    'download url' => '',
    'version arguments' => [
      'file' => 'dist/photoswipe.min.js',
      // PhotoSwipe - v4.1.1 - 2015-12-24.
      'pattern' => '/v([\\d.]+)/',
      'lines' => 1,
      'cols' => 30,
  return $libraries;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function photoswipe_theme() {
  return [
    'photoswipe_image_formatter' => [
      'variables' => [
        'item' => NULL,
        'entity' => NULL,
        'display_settings' => [],
        'delta' => NULL,
      'file' => '',
    'photoswipe_responsive_image_formatter' => [
      'variables' => [
        'item' => NULL,
        'entity' => NULL,
        'display_settings' => [],
        'delta' => NULL,
      'template' => 'photoswipe-image-formatter',
      'file' => '',
    'photoswipe_container' => [
      'variables' => [],

 * Implements hook_help().
function photoswipe_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match) {
  switch ($route_name) {

    // Main module help for the photoswipe module.
    case '':
      $output = '';
      $output .= '<h3>' . t('About') . '</h3>';
      $output .= '<p>' . t('<a href=":url">Photoswipe</a> provides a nice javascript-based display for photo galleries, very sleek on mobile browsers.', [
        ':url' => '',
      ]) . '</p>';
      return $output;

 * Implements hook_page_attachments().
function photoswipe_page_attachments(array &$attachments) {

  // Conditionally load on non-admin pages.
  $is_admin = \Drupal::service('router.admin_context')
  if (\Drupal::config('photoswipe.settings')
    ->get('photoswipe_always_load_non_admin') && !$is_admin) {


Namesort descending Description
photoswipe_help Implements hook_help().
photoswipe_libraries_info Implements hook_libraries_info().
photoswipe_page_attachments Implements hook_page_attachments().
photoswipe_theme Implements hook_theme().