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photoswipe.schema.yml in PhotoSwipe 3.x



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  1. photoswipe.settings:
  2. type: config_object
  3. label: Settings
  4. mapping:
  5. photoswipe_always_load_non_admin:
  6. type: boolean
  7. options:
  8. type: mapping
  9. label: Options
  10. mapping:
  11. # index: integer
  12. showAnimationDuration:
  13. type: integer
  14. label: 'Show Animation Duration'
  15. hideAnimationDuration:
  16. type: integer
  17. label: 'Hide Animation Duration'
  18. showHideOpacity:
  19. type: boolean
  20. label: 'Show Hide Opacity'
  21. bgOpacity:
  22. type: float
  23. label: 'Background Opacity'
  24. spacing:
  25. type: float
  26. label: 'Spacing'
  27. allowPanToNext:
  28. type: boolean
  29. label: 'Allow Pan to Next'
  30. maxSpreadZoom:
  31. type: integer
  32. label: 'Max Spread Zoom'
  33. loop:
  34. type: boolean
  35. label: 'Loop'
  36. pinchToClose:
  37. type: boolean
  38. label: 'Pinch to Close'
  39. closeOnScroll:
  40. type: boolean
  41. label: 'Close on Scroll'
  42. closeOnVerticalDrag:
  43. type: boolean
  44. label: 'Close on Vertical Drag'
  45. mouseUsed:
  46. type: boolean
  47. label: 'Mouse Used'
  48. escKey:
  49. type: boolean
  50. label: 'Escape Key'
  51. arrowKeys:
  52. type: boolean
  53. label: 'Arrow Keys'
  54. history:
  55. type: boolean
  56. label: 'History'
  57. # galleryUID: Integer
  58. # galleryPIDs: Boolean
  59. errorMsg:
  60. type: string
  61. label: 'Error Message'
  62. preload:
  63. type: sequence
  64. label: 'Preload'
  65. sequence:
  66. - type: integer
  67. mainClass:
  68. type: string
  69. label: 'Main Class'
  70. focus:
  71. type: boolean
  72. label: 'Focus'
  73. modal:
  74. type: boolean
  75. label: 'Modal'