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README.txt in PhotoSwipe 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.2 README.txt
  2. 6 README.txt
  3. 7.2 README.txt
  4. 7 README.txt
  5. 3.x README.txt

Javascript lightbox library offers very nice mobile browsing features (in
particular swiping to the next picture)!


1. Download and install this module as usual. For more info visit

2. Install third party PhotoSwipe software:
  Download PhotoSwipe 4.x source from PhotoSwipe website
  Unarchive it into your "libraries" directory (e.g. /libraries).
  You may need to create the "libraries" directory first.
  Rename it to "photoswipe" (lower case).
  NB: Relying on libraries module to locate 'photoswipe' folder allows you to
  place it in a site specific (e.g. sites/mysite/libraries) or default folder
  (e.g.sites/all/libraries). Site-specific versions are selected preferentially.

3. Enable the PhotoSwipe module.


1. Multiple images in nodes
After adding an image field to any content type (e.g. 'article'), you can select
'PhotoSwipe: Preset1 to Preset2' as a display mode in Structure >> Content types
>> MyContentType in the tab 'Manage display'. All possible
combinations of image styles are proposed.

2. Multiple images in Views
To use photoswipe in views you must add a custom CSS class called
Fields >> Content: Image >> Style settings >> check Customize field and label
wrapper HTML >> Wrapper HTML element (leave default) >> check Create a CSS class
>> add as CSS class 'photoswipe-gallery'.
It is NOT recommended to add the CSS class to Advanced >> Other >> CSS class in
a View since there are known issues with the ajax pager.

3. Single image in node
To load a single image in node you must add data-size="widthxheight"
(the exact size of the image) and the class="photoswipe" to display it properly.
<a href="/images/test_img.png" class="photoswipe" data-size="640x400">
 <img src="/images/test_img.png" alt="Test Image" />
Doing this means that you should probably enable loading the library on all non
admin pages in admin/config/media/photoswipe.


View source
  2. ===========
  3. Javascript lightbox library offers very nice mobile browsing features (in
  4. particular swiping to the next picture)!
  6. ============
  7. 1. Download and install this module as usual. For more info visit
  9. 2. Install third party PhotoSwipe software:
  10. Download PhotoSwipe 4.x source from PhotoSwipe website
  11. (e.g.
  12. Unarchive it into your "libraries" directory (e.g. /libraries).
  13. You may need to create the "libraries" directory first.
  14. Rename it to "photoswipe" (lower case).
  15. NB: Relying on libraries module to locate 'photoswipe' folder allows you to
  16. place it in a site specific (e.g. sites/mysite/libraries) or default folder
  17. (e.g.sites/all/libraries). Site-specific versions are selected preferentially.
  18. 3. Enable the PhotoSwipe module.
  19. USAGE
  20. =====
  21. 1. Multiple images in nodes
  22. After adding an image field to any content type (e.g. 'article'), you can select
  23. 'PhotoSwipe: Preset1 to Preset2' as a display mode in Structure >> Content types
  24. >> MyContentType in the tab 'Manage display'. All possible
  25. combinations of image styles are proposed.
  26. 2. Multiple images in Views
  27. To use photoswipe in views you must add a custom CSS class called
  28. 'photoswipe-gallery'.
  29. Fields >> Content: Image >> Style settings >> check Customize field and label
  30. wrapper HTML >> Wrapper HTML element (leave default) >> check Create a CSS class
  31. >> add as CSS class 'photoswipe-gallery'.
  32. It is NOT recommended to add the CSS class to Advanced >> Other >> CSS class in
  33. a View since there are known issues with the ajax pager.
  34. 3. Single image in node
  35. To load a single image in node you must add data-size="widthxheight"
  36. (the exact size of the image) and the class="photoswipe" to display it properly.
  37. e.g.
  38. Test Image
  39. Doing this means that you should probably enable loading the library on all non
  40. admin pages in admin/config/media/photoswipe.