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 * Verification for French Phone Numbers.  
 * @param string $phonenumber
 * @return boolean Returns boolean FALSE if the phone number is not valid. 
function valid_fr_phone_number($phonenumber) {

  //$phonenumber = trim($phonenumber);
  if (!preg_match("/^(\\+){0,1}([0-9 ])*[0-9]\$/i", $phonenumber)) {
    return false;
  else {
    return true;

 * Formatting for French Phone Numbers.  
 * @param string $phonenumber
 * @return string Returns a string containting the phone number with some formatting.
function format_fr_phone_number($phonenumber, $field) {

  //$phonenumber = trim($phonenumber);

  // do some formatting on the phone number

  //if doesn't start by '+' add it at the beginning and ins not empty
  if (!preg_match("/^(\\+){1}[0-9 ]*\$/i", $phonenumber) && !$phonenumber == '') {
    $phonenumber = '+' . $phonenumber;
  if ($field['phone_country_code']) {

    //if french phone number, add the country code at the beginning
    if (!preg_match("/^(\\+){1}33[ ]*[0-9 ]*\$/i", $phonenumber) && !$phonenumber == '') {
      $phonenumber = str_replace("+", "+" . "33" . " ", $phonenumber);
  return $phonenumber;


Namesort descending Description
format_fr_phone_number Formatting for French Phone Numbers.
valid_fr_phone_number Verification for French Phone Numbers.