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persistent_login.install in Persistent Login 5


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function persistent_login_install() {
  foreach (persistent_login_create_table_sql() as $sql) {
function persistent_login_uninstall() {
  $ret[] = db_query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {persistent_login}');
  $ret[] = db_query('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {persistent_login_history}');
function persistent_login_create_table_sql() {
  switch ($GLOBALS['db_type']) {
    case 'mysql':
    case 'mysqli':
      $ret[] = 'CREATE TABLE {persistent_login} (' . 'uid int unsigned NOT NULL, ' . 'series char(32) NOT NULL, ' . 'token char(32) NOT NULL, ' . 'expires int unsigned NOT NULL, ' . 'PRIMARY KEY (uid,series), ' . 'INDEX (expires) ' . ') /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */; ';
      $ret[] = 'CREATE TABLE {persistent_login_history} (' . 'uid int unsigned NOT NULL, ' . 'series char(32) NOT NULL, ' . 'token char(32) NOT NULL, ' . 'expires int unsigned NOT NULL, ' . 'at int unsigned NOT NULL, ' . 'why varchar(255) NOT NULL, ' . 'PRIMARY KEY (uid,series,token), ' . 'INDEX (at) ' . ') /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;';
    case 'pgsql':
      $ret[] = 'CREATE TABLE {persistent_login} (' . 'uid int_unsigned NOT NULL, ' . 'series char(32) NOT NULL, ' . 'token char(32) NOT NULL, ' . 'expires int_unsigned NOT NULL, ' . 'PRIMARY KEY (uid,series))';
      $ret[] = 'CREATE INDEX {persistent_login}_expires_idx ON {persistent_login} (expires)';
      $ret[] = 'CREATE TABLE {persistent_login_history} (' . 'uid int_unsigned NOT NULL, ' . 'series char(32) NOT NULL, ' . 'token char(32) NOT NULL, ' . 'expires int_unsigned NOT NULL, ' . 'at int_unsigned NOT NULL, ' . 'why varchar(255) NOT NULL, ' . 'PRIMARY KEY (uid,series,token))';
      $ret[] = 'CREATE INDEX {persistent_login_history}_at_idx ON {persistent_login_history} (at)';
  return $ret;
function persistent_login_update_1() {
  $ret = array();
  $ret[] = update_sql('DROP TABLE {persistent_login}');
  foreach (persistent_login_create_table_sql() as $sql) {
    $ret[] = update_sql($sql);
  return $ret;
function persistent_login_update_2() {
  $ret = array();
  $ret[] = update_sql('DROP TABLE {persistent_login}');
  $ret[] = update_sql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {persistent_login_history}');
  foreach (persistent_login_create_table_sql() as $sql) {
    $ret[] = update_sql($sql);
  return $ret;

// Some versions of persistent_login (wrongly) did not use hook_init
// and so may not have bootstrap set in the system table.
function persistent_login_update_3() {
  $ret = array();
  $ret[] = update_sql('UPDATE {system} SET bootstrap = 1 WHERE ' . 'name=\'persistent_login\'');
  return $ret;
function persistent_login_update_4() {
  $ret = array();
  $ret[] = update_sql('DROP TABLE {persistent_login}');
  $ret[] = update_sql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {persistent_login_history}');
  foreach (persistent_login_create_table_sql() as $sql) {
    $ret[] = update_sql($sql);
  return $ret;