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public function PersistentLoginTest::testPersistentLogin in Persistent Login 8

Tests whether a user can be persistently logged in.

@dataProvider loginProvider


bool $remember_me: Whether or not the "Remember me" option should be checked when logging in.

string $message: Error message for test failure.


Tests/src/Functional/PersistentLoginTest.php, line 55


Tests the persistent login functionality.




public function testPersistentLogin($remember_me, $message) {

  // Since we are not logged in yet, the homepage should show a "Log in" link.
  // The reason we are testing the visibility of the "Log in" link rather than
  // inspecting the session cookies, is because this way we can also validate
  // that the page cache is correctly cleared in addition to checking if the
  // user is logged in or not.
    ->homepageHasLoginForm(), 'The login form should be present on the page.');

  // Log in through the UI.
    'name' => $this->user
    'pass' => $this->user->passRaw,
    'persistent_login' => $remember_me,
  ], t('Log in'));

  // Check that the homepage now doesn't show the "Log in" link any more.
    ->homepageHasLoginForm(), 'The login form should not be present on the page.');

  // Simulate the user closing the browser window and reopening it, by
  // clearing the session cookies.

  // The "Log in" link should now only be shown on the homepage when the
  // "Remember me" option was enabled.
    ->assertEquals($remember_me, !$this
    ->homepageHasLoginForm(), $message);