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15 calls to Carbon::modify() in Persian Date for Drupal 8 8.4

Carbon::addDays in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Add days to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
Carbon::addHours in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Add hours to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
Carbon::addMinutes in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Add minutes to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
Carbon::addMonthsNoOverflow in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Add months without overflowing to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
Carbon::addMonthsWithOverflow in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Add months to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
Carbon::addSeconds in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Add seconds to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
Carbon::addWeekdays in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Add weekdays to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
Carbon::addWeeks in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Add weeks to the instance. Positive $value travels forward while negative $value travels into the past.
Carbon::addYears in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Add years to the instance. Positive $value travel forward while negative $value travel into the past.
Carbon::firstOfMonth in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Modify to the first occurrence of a given day of the week in the current month. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the first day of the current month. Use the supplied constants to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
Carbon::lastOfMonth in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Modify to the last occurrence of a given day of the week in the current month. If no dayOfWeek is provided, modify to the last day of the current month. Use the supplied constants to indicate the desired dayOfWeek, ex. static::MONDAY.
Carbon::nthOfMonth in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Modify to the given occurrence of a given day of the week in the current month. If the calculated occurrence is outside the scope of the current month, then return false and no modifications are made. Use the supplied constants to indicate the desired…
Carbon::nthOfQuarter in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Modify to the given occurrence of a given day of the week in the current quarter. If the calculated occurrence is outside the scope of the current quarter, then return false and no modifications are made. Use the supplied constants to indicate the…
Carbon::nthOfYear in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Modify to the given occurrence of a given day of the week in the current year. If the calculated occurrence is outside the scope of the current year, then return false and no modifications are made. Use the supplied constants to indicate the desired…
Carbon::setDate in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Sets the current date of the DateTime object to a different date. Calls modify as a workaround for a php bug