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7 calls to Carbon::diffInSeconds() in Persian Date for Drupal 8 8.4

Carbon::average in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Modify the current instance to the average of a given instance (default now) and the current instance.
Carbon::closest in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Get the closest date from the instance.
Carbon::diffInHours in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Get the difference in hours
Carbon::diffInMinutes in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Get the difference in minutes
Carbon::farthest in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
Get the farthest date from the instance.
Carbon::secondsSinceMidnight in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
The number of seconds since midnight.
Carbon::secondsUntilEndOfDay in src/Library/Carbon/Carbon.php
The number of seconds until 23:23:59.