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TODO.txt in Decoupled Blocks 8


- Make add js and add css in yaml files work automatically.
  - This is part of a bigger question about where and how roll-ups of assets
    should happen though.
  - Smart bundling handled by Drupal? JSPM? How does it affect our lazyloading
    model in ng2?
- Determine compatibility strategy:
  - By default let as many frameworks as are enabled all be mixed.
  - Have some kind of hook to allow framework modules to declare incompatibility
  - Never allow mixing of incompatible frameworks.
- GraphQL integration --> I don't want this to be mandatory, but an optional
  integration point would be amazing. New
  submodule for this probably.
- ESI integration --> Again, not mandatory, so probably a new submodule.


- Twig integration --> Bug Tobias Bosch about twig outputting ng2 templates work
  that already exists and figure out how that could be integrated into our
  components optionally.


- Needs a lot of work, I don't know react yet.


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  1. pdb:
  2. - Make add js and add css in yaml files work automatically.
  3. - This is part of a bigger question about where and how roll-ups of assets
  4. should happen though.
  5. - Smart bundling handled by Drupal? JSPM? How does it affect our lazyloading
  6. model in ng2?
  7. - Determine compatibility strategy:
  8. - By default let as many frameworks as are enabled all be mixed.
  9. - Have some kind of hook to allow framework modules to declare incompatibility
  10. - Never allow mixing of incompatible frameworks.
  11. - GraphQL integration --> I don't want this to be mandatory, but an optional
  12. integration point would be amazing. New
  13. submodule for this probably.
  14. - ESI integration --> Again, not mandatory, so probably a new submodule.
  15. pdb_ng2:
  16. - Twig integration --> Bug Tobias Bosch about twig outputting ng2 templates work
  17. that already exists and figure out how that could be integrated into our
  18. components optionally.
  19. pdb_react:
  20. - Needs a lot of work, I don't know react yet.