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6 calls to PbfBaseTest::setFormDisplay() in Permissions by field 8

PbfAccessWithFormWidgetValueTest::testPbfAccessWithFormWidget in tests/src/Functional/PbfAccessWithFormWidgetValueTest.php
Test the pbf node access with a Pbf field with grants value from widget.
PbfBaseTest::attachPbfNodeFields in tests/src/Functional/PbfBaseTest.php
Helper function to create and attach a Pbf Node field.
PbfBaseTest::attachPbfRoleFields in tests/src/Functional/PbfBaseTest.php
Helper function to create and attach a Pbf Role field.
PbfBaseTest::attachPbfSynchronizedFields in tests/src/Functional/PbfBaseTest.php
Helper function to create and attach a Pbf Node field synchronized.
PbfBaseTest::attachPbfTermFields in tests/src/Functional/PbfBaseTest.php
Attach Pbf fields which reference taxonomy terms.
PbfBaseTest::attachPbfUserFields in tests/src/Functional/PbfBaseTest.php
Attach Pbf fields which reference Users.