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PaymentLineItemsInputTest.php in Payment 8.2


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namespace Drupal\Tests\payment\Unit\Element {
  use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
  use Drupal\Core\Ajax\AjaxResponse;
  use Drupal\Core\DependencyInjection\Container;
  use Drupal\Core\Form\FormState;
  use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
  use Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface;
  use Drupal\payment\Element\PaymentLineItemsInput;
  use Drupal\payment\Plugin\Payment\LineItem\PaymentLineItemInterface;
  use Drupal\payment\Plugin\Payment\LineItem\PaymentLineItemManagerInterface;
  use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
  use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;

   * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\payment\Element\PaymentLineItemsInput
   * @group Payment
  class PaymentLineItemsInputTest extends UnitTestCase {

     * The payment line item manager.
     * @var \Drupal\payment\Plugin\Payment\LineItem\PaymentLineItemManagerInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
    protected $paymentLineItemManager;

     * The renderer.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
    protected $renderer;

     * The string translator.
     * @var \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslationInterface|\PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject
    protected $stringTranslation;

     * The class under test.
     * @var \Drupal\payment\Element\PaymentLineItemsInput
    protected $sut;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function setUp() : void {
      $this->paymentLineItemManager = $this
      $this->renderer = $this
      $this->stringTranslation = $this
      $container = new Container();
        ->set('renderer', $this->renderer);
        ->set('plugin.manager.payment.line_item', $this->paymentLineItemManager);
      $configuration = [];
      $plugin_id = $this
      $plugin_definition = [];
      $this->sut = new PaymentLineItemsInput($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $this->stringTranslation, $this->renderer, $this->paymentLineItemManager);

     * @covers ::create
     * @covers ::__construct
    function testCreate() {
      $container = $this
      $map = array(
      $configuration = [];
      $plugin_id = $this
      $plugin_definition = [];
      $sut = PaymentLineItemsInput::create($container, $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition);
        ->assertInstanceOf(PaymentLineItemsInput::class, $sut);

     * @covers ::getInfo
    public function testGetInfo() {
      $info = $this->sut
      foreach ($info['#process'] as $callback) {

     * @covers ::process
    public function testProcessWithInvalidCardinality() {
      $line_item_a = $this
      $line_item_b = $this
      $line_items = array(
      $element = array(
        '#cardinality' => 1,
        '#default_value' => $line_items,
        '#name' => $this
        '#parents' => array(
      $form_state = $this
      $form = [];
        ->process($element, $form_state, $form);

     * @covers ::process
    public function testProcessWithInvalidDefaultValue() {
      $line_item_a = $this
      $line_item_b = $this
      $line_items = array(
      $element = array(
        '#cardinality' => PaymentLineItemsInput::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED,
        '#default_value' => $line_items,
        '#name' => $this
        '#parents' => array(
      $form_state = $this
      $form = [];
        ->process($element, $form_state, $form);

     * @covers ::process
    public function testProcess() {
      $form_state = new FormState();
      $form = [];
      $line_item_name_a = $this
      $line_item_configuration_form_a = array(
        '#foo' => $this
      $line_item_a = $this
        ->with([], $form_state)
      $line_item_name_b = $this
      $line_item_configuration_form_b = array(
        '#foo' => $this
      $line_item_b = $this
        ->with([], $form_state)
      $line_items = array(
      $line_item_id_a = $this
      $line_item_id_b = $this
      $line_item_definitions = [
        $line_item_id_a => [
          'id' => $line_item_id_a,
          'label' => $this
        $line_item_id_b => [
          'id' => $line_item_id_b,
          'label' => $this
      $element = array(
        '#cardinality' => PaymentLineItemsInput::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED,
        '#default_value' => $line_items,
        '#name' => $this
        '#parents' => array(
      $element = $this->sut
        ->process($element, $form_state, $form);
        ->assertArrayHasKey($line_item_name_a, $element['line_items']);
        ->assertSame($line_item_configuration_form_a, $element['line_items'][$line_item_name_a]['plugin_form']);
        ->assertArrayHasKey('delete', $element['line_items'][$line_item_name_a]);
        ->assertArrayHasKey($line_item_name_b, $element['line_items']);
        ->assertSame($line_item_configuration_form_b, $element['line_items'][$line_item_name_b]['plugin_form']);
        ->assertArrayHasKey('delete', $element['line_items'][$line_item_name_b]);
        ->assertArrayHasKey('add_more', $element);
        ->assertArrayHasKey('add', $element['add_more']);
        ->assertArrayHasKey('type', $element['add_more']);

     * @covers ::setLineItems
     * @covers ::getLineItems
    public function testGetLineItems() {
      $line_item_a = $this
      $line_item_b = $this
      $line_items = array(
      $element = array(
        '#name' => $this
        '#parents' => array(
      $form_state = new FormState();
      $method_get = new \ReflectionMethod($this->sut, 'getLineItems');
      $method_set = new \ReflectionMethod($this->sut, 'setLineItems');
        ->assertSame([], $method_get
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state));
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state, $line_items);
        ->assertSame($line_items, $method_get
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state));

     * @covers ::initializeLineItems
     * @depends testGetLineItems
    public function testInitializeLineItems() {
      $line_item_a = $this
      $line_item_b = $this
      $line_items = array(
      $element = array(
        '#name' => $this
        '#default_value' => $line_items,
        '#parents' => array(
      $form_state = new FormState();
      $method_get = new \ReflectionMethod($this->sut, 'getLineItems');
      $method_set = new \ReflectionMethod($this->sut, 'setLineItems');
      $method_initialize = new \ReflectionMethod($this->sut, 'initializeLineItems');
        ->assertSame([], $method_get
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state));
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state);
        ->assertSame($line_items, $method_get
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state));
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state, []);
        ->assertSame([], $method_get
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state));

     * @covers ::valueCallback
     * @depends testGetLineItems
    public function testValueCalback() {
      $line_item = $this
      $line_items = array(
      $element = array(
        '#name' => $this
        '#parents' => array(
      $form_state = new FormState();
      $method = new \ReflectionMethod($this->sut, 'setLineItems');
      $element_plugin = $this->sut;
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state, $line_items);
        ->assertSame($line_items, $element_plugin::valueCallback($element, TRUE, $form_state));
        ->assertSame($line_items, $element_plugin::valueCallback($element, FALSE, $form_state));

     * @covers ::lineItemExists
     * @depends testGetLineItems
    public function testLineItemExists() {
      $line_item_name_a = $this
      $line_item_a = $this
      $line_item_name_b = $this
      $line_item_b = $this
      $line_items = array(
      $element = array(
        '#name' => $this
        '#parents' => array(
      $form_state = new FormState();
      $method_set = new \ReflectionMethod($this->sut, 'setLineItems');
      $method_exists = new \ReflectionMethod($this->sut, 'lineItemExists');
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state, $line_items);
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state, $line_item_name_a));
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state, $line_item_name_b));
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state, $this

     * @covers ::createLineItemName
     * @depends testGetLineItems
     * @depends testLineItemExists
    public function testCreateLineItemName() {
      $line_item_name_a = $this
      $line_item_a = $this
      $line_item_name_b = $this
      $line_item_b = $this
      $line_items = array(
      $element = array(
        '#name' => $this
        '#parents' => array(
      $form_state = new FormState();
      $method_set = new \ReflectionMethod($this->sut, 'setLineItems');
      $method_create = new \ReflectionMethod($this->sut, 'createLineItemName');
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state, $line_items);
        ->assertSame($line_item_name_a . '1', $method_create
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state, $line_item_name_a));
        ->assertSame($line_item_name_b . '1', $method_create
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state, $line_item_name_b));
      $line_item_name_c = $this
        ->assertSame($line_item_name_c, $method_create
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element, $form_state, $line_item_name_c));

     * @covers ::addMoreSubmit
    public function testAddMoreSubmit() {
      $plugin_id = $this
      $values = array(
        'add_more' => array(
          'type' => $plugin_id,
      $line_item = $this
      $form_build = array(
        'foo' => array(
          '#name' => $this
          '#parents' => array(
          'add_more' => array(
            'add' => array(
              '#array_parents' => array(
              '#parents' => [],
      $form_state = new FormState();
        ->addMoreSubmit($form_build, $form_state);
      $element = $this->sut;
      $line_items = $element::getLineItems($form_build['foo'], $form_state);
        ->assertTrue(in_array($line_item, $line_items, TRUE));

     * @covers ::ajaxAddMoreSubmit
    public function testAjaxAddMoreSubmit() {
      $form_build = array(
        'foo' => array(
          '#id' => $this
          '#name' => $this
          '#parents' => array(
          'add_more' => array(
            'add' => array(
              '#array_parents' => array(
              '#parents' => [],
      $form_state = new FormState();
      $response = $this->sut
        ->ajaxAddMoreSubmit($form_build, $form_state);
        ->assertEquals($form_build['foo'], $response);

     * @covers ::deleteSubmit
    public function testDeleteSubmit() {
      $line_item_name = $this
      $root_element_name = $this
      $line_item_a = $this
      $line_item_b = $this
      $line_item_c = $this
      $form_build = array(
        'foo' => array(
          '#name' => $root_element_name,
          '#parents' => array(
          'line_items' => array(
            $line_item_name => array(
              'delete' => array(
                '#array_parents' => array(
                '#parents' => [],
      $form_build['foo']['line_items'][$line_item_name]['delete']['#name'] = 'delete_' . implode('-', $form_build['foo']['#parents']);
      $form_state = new FormState();
        ->set('payment.element.payment_line_items_input.configured.' . $root_element_name, array(
        ->deleteSubmit($form_build, $form_state);
      $element = $this->sut;
      $line_items = $element::getLineItems($form_build['foo'], $form_state);
        ->assertTrue(in_array($line_item_a, $line_items, TRUE));
        ->assertFalse(in_array($line_item_b, $line_items, TRUE));
        ->assertTrue(in_array($line_item_c, $line_items, TRUE));

     * @covers ::ajaxDeleteSubmit
    public function testAjaxDeleteSubmit() {
      $line_item_name = $this
      $root_element_name = $this
      $form_build = array(
        'foo' => array(
          '#id' => $this
          '#name' => $root_element_name,
          '#parents' => array(
          'line_items' => array(
            $line_item_name => array(
              'delete' => array(
                '#array_parents' => array(
                '#parents' => [],
      $form_build['foo']['line_items'][$line_item_name]['delete']['#name'] = 'delete_' . implode('-', $form_build['foo']['#parents']);
      $form_state = new FormState();
      $element = $this->sut;
      $response = $element::ajaxDeleteSubmit($form_build, $form_state);
        ->assertInstanceOf(AjaxResponse::class, $response);

     * @covers ::getElementId
    public function testGetElementId() {
      $element_build = array(
        '#name' => $this
        '#parents' => array(
      $id_prefix = Html::getId('payment-element-payment_line_items_input');
      $form_state = new FormState();
      $method = new \ReflectionMethod($this->sut, 'getElementId');

      // Check twice, because once the ID has been set it must not change.
      $id = $method
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element_build, $form_state);
        ->assertSame(0, strpos($id, $id_prefix));
        ->assertSame($id, $method
        ->invoke($this->sut, $element_build, $form_state));

     * @covers ::validate
    public function testValidate() {
      $line_item_name_a = $this
      $line_item_name_b = $this
      $line_item_name_c = $this
      $root_element_name = $this
      $form_build = array(
        'foo' => array(
          '#name' => $root_element_name,
          '#parents' => array(
          // The line items are built below.
          'line_items' => [],
      $line_item_a = $this
      $line_item_b = $this
      $line_item_c = $this

      /** @var \PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject[] $line_items */
      $line_items = array(
        $line_item_name_a => $line_item_a,
        $line_item_name_b => $line_item_b,
        $line_item_name_c => $line_item_c,
      foreach ($line_items as $line_item_name => $line_item) {
        $form_build['foo']['line_items'][$line_item_name] = array(
          'plugin_form' => array(
            '#foo' => $this
      $form_state = new FormState();
        ->set('payment.element.payment_line_items_input.configured.' . $root_element_name, array_values($line_items));
        'foo' => array(
          'line_items' => array(
            $line_item_name_a => array(
              'weight' => 3,
            $line_item_name_b => array(
              'weight' => 1,
            $line_item_name_c => array(
              'weight' => 2,
        ->validate($form_build['foo'], $form_state, $form_build);
      $element = $this->sut;
      $line_items = $element::getLineItems($form_build['foo'], $form_state);
      ), $line_items);

namespace {
  if (!defined('RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_LOW')) {
    define('RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_LOW', 'priority-low');
    define('RESPONSIVE_PRIORITY_MEDIUM', 'priority-medium');