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namespace Drupal\payment\Event in Payment 8.2

Classsort descending Location Description
PaymentEvents src/Event/PaymentEvents.php Defines Payment events.
PaymentExecuteAccess src/Event/PaymentExecuteAccess.php Provides an event that is dispatched when access is checked for payment execution.
PaymentPreCapture src/Event/PaymentPreCapture.php Provides an event that is dispatched before a payment is captured.
PaymentPreExecute src/Event/PaymentPreExecute.php Provides an event that is dispatched before a payment is executed.
PaymentPreRefund src/Event/PaymentPreRefund.php Provides an event that is dispatched before a payment is refunded.
PaymentQueuePaymentIdsAlter src/Event/PaymentQueuePaymentIdsAlter.php Provides an event that alters \Drupal\payment\QueueInterface::loadPaymentIds() results.
PaymentStatusSet src/Event/PaymentStatusSet.php Provides an event that is dispatched after a new status is set on a payment.
PaymentTypePreResumeContext src/Event/PaymentTypePreResumeContext.php Provides an event that is dispatched before the payment type's original context is resumed.