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14 calls to pay_handlers() in Pay 6

pay::handler_title in includes/handlers/
pay::permissions_settings in includes/handlers/
pay_admin_method_form in includes/
Admin form to create or update payment methods.
pay_admin_overview in includes/
Payment settings overview.
pay_admin_pay_form_list in includes/
List payment forms
pay_currency_list in ./pay.module
Helper function to list all possible currencies.
pay_handler_field_handler::render in includes/views/
pay_handler_filter_handler::get_value_options in includes/views/
pay_hook_info in includes/
Implementation of hook_hook_info().
pay_load_handler in ./pay.module
API Function: Include a handler file for a payment object.
pay_method::set_description in includes/handlers/
Set a default description if none is specified.
pay_method::set_title in includes/handlers/
Set a default title if none is specified.
pay_node_admin_settings in modules/pay_node/includes/
Menu callback for pay_node admin screen.
pay_perm in ./pay.module
Implementation of hook_perm().