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function pay_activity::do_activity in Pay 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/handlers/ \pay_activity::do_activity()

Effect a payment action using the currently-selected payment method.

The action must be defined in valid_actions() and the that action's callback must exist for this payment method. Empty actions use a pseudo- action of 'pending'.


includes/handlers/, line 68
A base class for payment activities.


@file A base class for payment activities.


function do_activity($action = NULL, $values = array()) {

  // No action defined: Ensure that this transaction gets logged as 'pending'
  if (!$action || $action == 'pending') {
    $action = 'pending';
    $func = 'pending_action';
  else {
    $info = $this
    $func = $info['callback'];

  // If the payment method has a function to handle this action, call it!
  if (method_exists($this
    ->pay_method(), $func)) {
      ->pay_method()->activity = $this;
    $state = $this

  // Save any new/changed data for this activity.

  // Update this activity's transaction.
    ->update_status($state, $this->timestamp);

  // Return boolean result.
  return $this->result;