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public function PatternsTestCase::isFopenurlEnabled in Patterns 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 tests/patterns.test \PatternsTestCase::isFopenurlEnabled()

Checks if during the Web execution fopenurl is enabled.

Notice: patterns_utils_is_fopenurl_enabled cannot be used because it does not work with drush (returns the value of cli).

1 call to PatternsTestCase::isFopenurlEnabled()
PatternsImportTestCase::testImportFileFromURL in tests/importing/importing.test


tests/patterns.test, line 234
The base of the Patterns Component tests.


Abstract base class for testing pattern component behavior.


public function isFopenurlEnabled() {

  // View patterns list.

  // TODO: this text should not appear if and only if fopen is enabled for URLs.
  return $this
    ->assertNoText(t('Feature disabled:'), t('fopenurl is enabled.'));