public function PatternsTestCase::getPatternsTestDir in Patterns 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.2 tests/patterns.test \PatternsTestCase::getPatternsTestDir()
Returns the path to the tests directory inside the Patterns module
15 calls to PatternsTestCase::getPatternsTestDir()
- PatternsBlockTestCase::setUp in tests/
block/ block.test - Setups the testing environment.
- PatternsColorTestCase::setUp in tests/
color/ color.test - Setups the testing environment.
- PatternsContentTypeTestCase::setUp in tests/
node/ content.test - Setups the testing environment.
- PatternsExportTestCase::setUp in tests/
exporting/ exporting.test - Setups the testing environment.
- PatternsFieldTestCase::setUp in tests/
field/ field.test - Setups the testing environment.
- tests/
patterns.test, line 17 - The base of the Patterns Component tests.
- PatternsTestCase
- Abstract base class for testing pattern component behavior.
public function getPatternsTestDir() {
return realpath('./') . '/' . drupal_get_path('module', 'patterns') . '/tests/';