8 calls to _patterns_db_get_pattern() in Patterns 7
- patterns_db_analyze_patterns_status in includes/
db.inc - Returns a string representation of the status of the pattern as it is in the database;
- patterns_db_is_pattern_updated in includes/
db.inc - Compares the date of the last update in the database with the one in the file system and return TRUE if the file system has a newer copy of the pattern stored in the database.
- patterns_db_publish_pattern in includes/
db.inc - Sets the flag public to FALSE in the database for the pattern with the specified pattern id.
- patterns_db_unpublish_pattern in includes/
db.inc - Sets the flag public to FALSE in the database for the pattern with the specified pattern id.
- patterns_get_patterns_links in theme/
common.inc - patterns_io_remove_pattern in includes/
io/ io.inc - Removes a pattern both from the file system and the database.
- patterns_parser_should_include in includes/
parser/ parser.inc - Determines if a pattern should be included or not. The following conditions are checked in order:
- patterns_utils_toString in includes/
utils.inc - Returns a string representation of a pattern object or array. If an id or the name of the pattern is passed, it tries to load it, and then constructs the name of the pattern.