pathfilter.module in Path Filter 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
This filter takes internal Drupal paths in double quotes, written as e.g. "internal:node/99", and replaces them with the appropriate absolute http URL using Drupal's url() function [1]. E.g. for a site located at
"internal:node/99" becomes ""
Note: Because it uses url(), if a path alias exists, it will be substituted.
Credits: @author Ray Zimmerman ( user "RayZ") @author Tom Kirkpatrick ( user "mrfelton"), @author George Montana Harkin ( user "harking") Auto internalization @author Shayne Huddleston ( Fix to auto internailze all node fields @author Brett Lischalk ( user "blischalk") @author Jimmy Berry ("boombatower",
pathfilter.moduleView source
* @file
* This filter takes internal Drupal paths in double quotes, written as
* e.g. "internal:node/99", and replaces them with the appropriate absolute
* http URL using Drupal's url() function [1]. E.g. for a site located at
* "internal:node/99" becomes ""
* Note: Because it uses url(), if a path alias exists, it will be substituted.
* [1]
* Credits:
* @author Ray Zimmerman ( user "RayZ")
* @author Tom Kirkpatrick ( user "mrfelton"),
* @author George Montana Harkin ( user "harking") Auto internalization
* @author Shayne Huddleston ( Fix to auto internailze all node fields
* @author Brett Lischalk ( user "blischalk")
* @author Jimmy Berry ("boombatower",
global $_pathfilter_replacement_patterns;
$_pathfilter_replacement_patterns = array();
$_pathfilter_replacement_patterns[] = '/(["\'])(internal):([^"#\\?\']*)\\??([^"#\']+)?#?([^"\']+)?\\1/';
$_pathfilter_replacement_patterns[] = '/(["\'])(files):([^"\']*)\\1/';
* Implements hook_filter_info().
function pathfilter_filter_info() {
return array(
'pathfilter' => array(
'title' => t('Converts internal Drupal paths to absolute URL\'s'),
'description' => t('This filter takes internal Drupal paths in double quotes, written as e.g. "internal:node/99", and replaces them with the appropriate absolute http URL.'),
'settings callback' => '_pathfilter_settings',
'default settings' => array(
'link_absolute' => TRUE,
'process_all' => TRUE,
'process callback' => '_pathfilter_process',
'tips callback' => '_pathfilter_tips',
return $filters;
function _pathfilter_process($text, $filter, $format, $langcode, $cache, $cache_id) {
$patterns = array();
$replacement = array();
$patterns[] = '/(["\'])(internal):([^"#\\?\']+)\\??([^"#\']+)?#?([^"\']+)?\\1/';
$patterns[] = '/(["\'])(files):([^"\']+)\\1/';
$func = "_pathfilter_process_handler";
// use the 'currying' technique to allow us to pass the format into
// the callback function.
$callback = _pathfilter_curry($func, 2);
return preg_replace_callback($patterns, $callback($filter->settings), $text);
* Filter tips callback function for $filters[0] in hook_filter_info().
function pathfilter_filter_tips_0($format, $long = FALSE) {
if ($long) {
$output = '<p>' . t('Internal paths in single or double quotes, written as "internal:node/99", for example, are replaced with the appropriate absolute URL or path. Given a site located at, assuming clean URLs are enabled and "internal:admin/user" becomes "" and "internal:node/99" becomes "". If \'node/99\' has a URL alias assigned, such as \'news/latest\' the alias will be substituted giving "".') . '</p>';
$output .= '<p>' . t('Paths to files in single or double quotes, written as "files:somefile.ext", for example, are replaced with the appropriate URL that can be used to download the file.') . '</p>';
return $output;
* A 'currying' function that allows paramaters to be passed into the
* preg_replace_callback callback. Taken from
function _pathfilter_curry($func, $arity) {
return create_function('', "\n \$args = func_get_args();\n if(count(\$args) >= {$arity})\n return call_user_func_array('{$func}', \$args);\n \$args = var_export(\$args, 1);\n return create_function('','\n \$a = func_get_args();\n \$z = ' . \$args . ';\n \$a = array_merge(\$z,\$a);\n return call_user_func_array(\\'{$func}\\', \$a);\n ');\n ");
function _pathfilter_process_handler($settings, $matches) {
switch ($matches[2]) {
case 'internal':
return _pathfilter_process_internal($settings, $matches);
//Converts to alias form.
case 'files':
return _pathfilter_process_files($settings, $matches);
function _pathfilter_process_internal($settings, $matches) {
$absolute = $settings['link_absolute'];
// Initialize an array to store additional matches to pass into the url function
// we can't access array offsets that aren't defined.
$url_array = array();
if (isset($matches[4])) {
$url_array['query'] = $matches[4];
if (isset($matches[5])) {
$url_array['fragment'] = $matches[5];
if (isset($absolute)) {
$url_array['absolute'] = $absolute;
// If we are going to convert our output to the aliased version ($convert_to_alias is set to TRUE),
// We need to pass 'alias' => true into url to tell it to not pass our URL through
// drupal_get_path_alias() thus keeping our 'node/#' format.
if (module_exists('i18n')) {
if ($path = drupal_get_normal_path($matches[3])) {
if (substr($path, 0, 5) == 'node/') {
$nid = substr($path, 5);
elseif (preg_match('/(node\\/([0-9]+))$/', $matches[3], $match)) {
$nid = $match[2];
if (!empty($nid)) {
$languages = language_list('enabled');
$languages = $languages[1];
if (isset($language)) {
$url_array['language'] = $languages[i18n_node_get_lang($match[2])];
$link = url($match[1], $url_array);
$link = isset($link) ? $link : url($matches[3], $url_array);
return $matches[1] . $link . $matches[1];
function _pathfilter_process_files($settings, $matches) {
$absolute = $settings['link_absolute'];
$link = file_create_url($matches[3]);
$link = $absolute ? $link : substr($link, strlen($GLOBALS['base_url']));
return $matches[1] . $link . $matches[1];
function _pathfilter_tips($filter, $format, $long) {
if ($long) {
$output = '<p>' . t('Internal paths in single or double quotes, written as "internal:node/99", for example, are replaced with the appropriate absolute URL or path. Given a site located at, assuming clean URLs are enabled and "internal:admin/user" becomes "" and "internal:node/99" becomes "". If \'node/99\' has a URL alias assigned, such as \'news/latest\' the alias will be substituted giving "".') . '</p>';
$output .= '<p>' . t('Paths to files in single or double quotes, written as "files:somefile.ext", for example, are replaced with the appropriate URL that can be used to download the file.') . '</p>';
return $output;
else {
return t('Internal paths in single or double quotes, written as "internal:node/99", for example, are replaced with the appropriate absolute URL or path. Paths to files in single or double quotes, written as "files:somefile.ext", for example, are replaced with the appropriate URL that can be used to download the file.');
function _pathfilter_settings($form, &$form_state, $filter, $format, $defaults, $filters) {
$filter->settings += $defaults;
$elements = array();
$elements['link_absolute'] = array(
'#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('Convert internal paths to'),
'#options' => array(
t('Absolute URL (including'),
t('Absolute path (relative to document root)'),
'#default_value' => $filter->settings['link_absolute'],
'#description' => t('Should internal paths be transformed to absolute URLs, such as %absolute_url or absolute paths, like %absolute_path. Note that your changes may not appear until the cache has been cleared.', array(
'%absolute_url' => '',
'%absolute_path' => '/my-page',
$elements['process_all'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Enable automatic url processing for attributes.'),
'#default_value' => $filter->settings['process_all'],
'#description' => t('When this option is enabled, all %element_list elements will automatically have the servername and base path of their src, href, and action urls replaced with %internal. On editing of these elements, all instances of %internal will be replaced with the site\'s base path (%current_base_path).', array(
'%element_list' => '<img>, <a>, <script>, <object>, and <form>',
'%internal' => '\'internal:\'',
'%current_base_path' => base_path(),
return $elements;
* Replaces the internal: and files: in elements with the url for it
function _pathfilter_replace_internal($settings, &$text) {
global $_pathfilter_replacement_patterns;
// use the 'currying' technique to allow us to pass the format into
// the callback function.
$callback = _pathfilter_curry(_pathfilter_process, 3);
$text = preg_replace_callback($_pathfilter_replacement_patterns, $callback($settings, FALSE), $text);
//Converts to non-aliased form.
* Internalizes all urls in a string automatically, doing the user's job for them.
function _pathfilter_internalize($settings, &$item) {
// First we find all of the items that look like they need to be replaced.
$pattern = '/(<img|<a|<script|<object|<form|<param)[^\\>]*>/i';
preg_match_all($pattern, $item, $matches);
// Then we normalize the links of the items that matched and do
// 'files:' replacement and then 'internal:' replacement.
foreach ($matches[0] as $match) {
// Obtain the URL out of the html tag.
preg_match('/(src=|href=|action=|data=|value=)(\'|")([^\'"]*)(\'|"|>)/', $match, $url);
// Do replacement with 'files:' if appropriate, 'internal:' otherwise.
$base_files_url_re = _pathfilter_base_files_url_re();
$replaced_path = preg_replace($base_files_url_re, 'files:', $url[3], 1);
if ($replaced_path == $url[3]) {
// 'files:' was not found, try 'internal:'.
// remove the base path
$base_url_re = _pathfilter_base_url_re();
$tmp_replaced_path = preg_replace($base_url_re, '', $url[3], 1);
// remove any language prefix or q= string
$tmp_replaced_path = preg_replace('#^[^/](.*/?)??(node/[0-9]*)$#', "\$2", $tmp_replaced_path);
// ensure we have an internal path
$tmp_replaced_path = drupal_get_normal_path($tmp_replaced_path);
// If this link is to a node
preg_match('#^node/[0-9]*$#', $tmp_replaced_path, $matches);
if ($matches) {
// add the internal: prefix
$replaced_path = 'internal:' . $tmp_replaced_path;
// Update original string with changes, if needed.
if ($replaced_path != $url[3]) {
$item = preg_replace('/(src=|href=|action=|data=|value=)(\'|")(' . preg_quote($url[3], '/') . ')(\'|"|>)/', '$1$2' . $replaced_path . '$4', $item, 1);
* Generates the regular expression that will be used to find a url that should
* have 'internal:'.
function _pathfilter_base_url_re() {
static $base_url_re;
if ($base_url_re != '') {
return $base_url_re;
global $base_url;
$base_path = base_path();
if ($base_path != '/') {
$tmp_base_url = str_replace($base_path, '', $base_url . '/');
else {
$tmp_base_url = $base_url;
$base_url_re = array(
0 => '/^(' . preg_quote($tmp_base_url, '/') . ')?' . preg_quote($base_path, '/') . '/',
1 => '/^(' . preg_quote($tmp_base_url, '/') . ')?' . preg_quote(drupal_encode_path($base_path), '/') . '/',
return $base_url_re;
* Generates the regular expression that will be used to find a url that should
* have 'files:'.
function _pathfilter_base_files_url_re() {
static $base_files_url_re;
if ($base_files_url_re != '') {
return $base_files_url_re;
//Taken from file_create_url()
switch (variable_get('file_downloads', FILE_DOWNLOADS_PUBLIC)) {
$files_url = file_directory_path() . '/';
$files_url = 'system/files/';
global $base_url;
$base_path = base_path();
if ($base_path != '/') {
$tmp_base_url = str_replace($base_path, '', $base_url . '/');
else {
$tmp_base_url = $base_url;
$base_files_url_re = array(
0 => '/^(' . preg_quote($tmp_base_url, '/') . ')?' . preg_quote($base_path . $files_url, '/') . '/',
1 => '/^(' . preg_quote($tmp_base_url, '/') . ')?' . preg_quote(drupal_encode_path($base_path . $files_url), '/') . '/',
return $base_files_url_re;
Name![]() |
Description |
pathfilter_filter_info | Implements hook_filter_info(). |
pathfilter_filter_tips_0 | Filter tips callback function for $filters[0] in hook_filter_info(). |
_pathfilter_base_files_url_re | Generates the regular expression that will be used to find a url that should have 'files:'. |
_pathfilter_base_url_re | Generates the regular expression that will be used to find a url that should have 'internal:'. |
_pathfilter_curry | |
_pathfilter_internalize | Internalizes all urls in a string automatically, doing the user's job for them. |
_pathfilter_process | |
_pathfilter_process_files | |
_pathfilter_process_handler | |
_pathfilter_process_internal | |
_pathfilter_replace_internal | Replaces the internal: and files: in elements with the url for it |
_pathfilter_settings | |
_pathfilter_tips |
Name![]() |
Description |
$_pathfilter_replacement_patterns | @file This filter takes internal Drupal paths in double quotes, written as e.g. "internal:node/99", and replaces them with the appropriate absolute http URL using Drupal's url() function [1]. E.g. for a site located… |