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public function PathautoNodeWebTest::testCustomAliasAfterRemovingPattern in Pathauto 8

Tests setting custom alias for nodes after removing pattern.

Tests that nodes that had an automatic alias can get a custom alias after the pathauto pattern on which the automatic alias was based, is removed.


tests/src/Functional/PathautoNodeWebTest.php, line 337


Tests pathauto node UI integration.




public function testCustomAliasAfterRemovingPattern() {

  // Create a pattern.
    ->createPattern('node', '/content/[node:title]');

  // Create a node with an automatic alias.
  $edit = [
    'title[0][value]' => 'Sample article',
    ->drupalPostForm('node/add/article', $edit, 'Save');
    ->pageTextContains('article Sample article has been created.');

  // Ensure that the automatic alias got created.
    'alias' => '/content/sample-article',

  // Go to the edit the node form and confirm that the pathauto checkbox
  // exists.
    ->elementExists('css', '#edit-path-0-pathauto');

  // Delete all patterns to be sure that there will be no match.
  $entity_ids = \Drupal::entityQuery('pathauto_pattern')
  $entities = PathautoPattern::loadMultiple($entity_ids);
  foreach ($entities as $entity) {

  // Reload the node edit form and confirm that the pathauto checkbox no
  // longer exists.
    ->elementNotExists('css', '#edit-path-0-pathauto');

  // Set a custom alias. We cannot disable the pathauto checkbox, because
  // there is none.
  $edit = [
    'path[0][alias]' => '/sample-alias-for-article',
    ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');

  // Check that the new alias exists and the old one does not.
    'alias' => '/sample-alias-for-article',
    'alias' => '/content/sample-article',