11 calls to pathauto_cleanstring() in Pathauto 5
- blog_pathauto_bulkupdate in ./
pathauto_user.inc - event_pathauto_node in contrib/
pathauto_node_event.inc - forum_pathauto_bulkupdate in ./
pathauto_taxonomy.inc - Generate aliases for all forums and forum containers without aliases
- node_get_placeholders in ./
pathauto_node.inc - pathauto_menu_get_placeholders in ./
pathauto_menu.inc - Generate the menu placeholders.
- pathauto_taxonomy in ./
pathauto_taxonomy.inc - Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
- pathauto_user in ./
pathauto_user.inc - Implementation of hook_user() for users, trackers, and blogs
- taxonomy_pathauto_bulkupdate in ./
pathauto_taxonomy.inc - Generate aliases for all categories without aliases
- tracker_pathauto_bulkupdate in ./
pathauto_user.inc - user_pathauto_bulkupdate in ./
pathauto_user.inc - _pathauto_taxonomy_catpath in ./
pathauto_taxonomy.inc - Helper function for the [catpath] placeholder.