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path_breadcrumbs.module in Path Breadcrumbs 7.3

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  1. 7 path_breadcrumbs.module
  2. 7.2 path_breadcrumbs.module


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 * @file
 * Provide core functions for path breadcrumbs module.
require_once '';

 * Define module constants.

// Constants for rich snippets support.

// Constant for cache storage.
define('PATH_BREADCRUMBS_CACHE_STORAGE', 'cache_path_breadcrumbs');

 * Implements hook_page_alter().
function path_breadcrumbs_page_alter() {

  // Do not show breadcrumbs on error pages.
  if (!variable_get('path_breadcrumbs_enable_on_error_pages', FALSE)) {
    $bad_statuses = array(
      '404 Not Found',
      '403 Forbidden',
    $http_headers = drupal_get_http_header();
    $status = isset($http_headers['status']) ? $http_headers['status'] : '200 OK';
    if (in_array($status, $bad_statuses)) {

 * Init Path Breadcrumbs.
function path_breadcrumbs_set_breadcrumb($path = NULL) {
  if (!isset($path)) {
    $path = current_path();

  // See if current page has path breadcrumbs.
  $path_breadcrumbs_data = path_breadcrumbs_load_variant($path);

  // Set breadcrumbs for current page if it exists.
  if ($path_breadcrumbs_data && isset($path_breadcrumbs_data->build)) {

 * Load and build path breadcrumb variant for page url. Results are cached.
 * @param string $path
 *   Current page url.
 * @return object
 *   Path breadcrumb object that matches page url.
 *   Members:
 *    - variant: raw Path Breadcrumbs variant;
 *    - build: built Path Breadcrumbs array ready for drupal_set_breadcrumb().
function path_breadcrumbs_load_variant($path) {
  global $language_url;
  if (empty($path)) {
    return FALSE;
  $path_breadcrumbs_data =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__ . '::' . $path);
  if (!empty($path_breadcrumbs_data)) {
    return $path_breadcrumbs_data;

  // See if user enabled cache for breadcrumbs.
  $cache_enabled = variable_get('path_breadcrumbs_cache_enabled', FALSE);
  $cache_lifetime = variable_get('path_breadcrumbs_cache_lifetime', CACHE_PERMANENT);

  // Apply current time to cache expiration time to set valid cache expire date.
  if ($cache_lifetime > CACHE_PERMANENT) {
    $cache_lifetime += REQUEST_TIME;
  if ($cache_enabled) {

    // Trying to load breadcrumb from cache.
    $cache_id = __FUNCTION__ . ':' . $path . ':' . $language_url->language;
    $cache = cache_get($cache_id, PATH_BREADCRUMBS_CACHE_STORAGE);
    if (!empty($cache->data)) {

      // Empty results are also cached.
      if ($cache->data == 'none') {
        return FALSE;

      // Allow to alter cached items.
      if (count(module_implements('path_breadcrumbs_view_alter')) > 0) {
        $built_breadcrumbs = $cache->data->build;
        $path_breadcrumbs = $cache->data->variant;
        $path_breadcrumbs->from_cache = TRUE;
        $contexts = path_breadcrumbs_get_contexts_from_arguments($path_breadcrumbs->arguments, FALSE, $path);
        drupal_alter('path_breadcrumbs_view', $built_breadcrumbs, $path_breadcrumbs, $contexts);

      // Store data in static cache.
      $path_breadcrumbs_data = $cache->data;
      return $cache->data;
  $path_breadcrumbs_data = new stdClass();

  // Select all variants matching current path.
  $variants = path_breadcrumbs_load_by_path($path);

  // Check if current path maches variant.
  // When first variant is found - return it.
  foreach ($variants as $breadcrumb) {

    // Replace placeholder in path with '*'.
    // Example: 'node/%node/view' -> 'node/*/view'.
    $matched_path = preg_replace("\n        /\\/%    # start with slash-percent\n        [^\\/]+  # all symbols except for the slash\n        /x", '/*', $breadcrumb->path);
    if (drupal_match_path($path, $matched_path)) {

      // Load breadcrumbs' contexts from current path.
      $contexts = path_breadcrumbs_get_contexts_from_arguments($breadcrumb->arguments, FALSE, $path);

      // If breadcrumb contains broken context
      // it means that unable to load context from URL.
      if (isset($contexts['broken_context'])) {

      // Check if breadcrumb is accessable for current page.
      if (!empty($breadcrumb->access)) {
        $access = ctools_access($breadcrumb->access, $contexts);
        if (!$access) {

      // Appropriate variant found.
      $path_breadcrumbs_data->variant = $breadcrumb;

      // Build suitable breadcrumb variant.
      $path_breadcrumbs_data->build = _path_breadcrumbs_build_breadcrumbs($breadcrumb, $contexts);

      // Save data in cache and return it.
      if ($cache_enabled) {
        cache_set($cache_id, $path_breadcrumbs_data, PATH_BREADCRUMBS_CACHE_STORAGE, $cache_lifetime);
      return $path_breadcrumbs_data;

  // Save empty data in cache and return it.
  if ($cache_enabled) {
    cache_set($cache_id, 'none', PATH_BREADCRUMBS_CACHE_STORAGE, $cache_lifetime);
  return FALSE;

 * Build breadcrumbs navigation from loaded path breadcrumb variant.
 * @param object $path_breadcrumb
 *   Object with path breadcrumb variant loaded from database.
 * @param array $contexts
 *   Ctools contexts from current URL.
 * @return array
 *   Array with breadcrumbs navigation.
function _path_breadcrumbs_build_breadcrumbs($path_breadcrumb, $contexts = array()) {
  $breadcrumb = array();

  // Add hook_path_breadcrumbs_view() for other developers.
  module_invoke_all('path_breadcrumbs_view', $path_breadcrumb, $contexts);

  // Prepend HOME link to breadcrumbs navigation.
  if ($path_breadcrumb->home == TRUE) {
    $home = variable_get('path_breadcrumbs_home_link_title', 'Home');
    $breadcrumb[] = l($home, '<front>');

  // Convert breadcrumb titles and paths to string.
  $titles = implode("\n", $path_breadcrumb->titles);
  $paths = implode("\n", $path_breadcrumb->paths);

  // Replace %nn sequences to prevent mixing them with contexts.
  $paths = rawurldecode($paths);

  // Replace module placeholders.
  $replace = array();
  $search = array();

  // Replace placeholders by its value from url.
  if (!empty($path_breadcrumb->arguments)) {
    foreach ($path_breadcrumb->arguments as $keyword => $argument) {
      $search[] = '!' . $keyword;
      $replace[] = arg($argument['position']);

  // Replace placeholder for current page title.
  $search[] = '!page_title';
  $replace[] = drupal_get_title();

  // Replace module placeholders.
  $titles = str_replace($search, $replace, $titles);
  $paths = str_replace($search, $replace, $paths);

  // Add custom ctools context for site.
  $contexts['site'] = ctools_context_create('path_breadcrumbs_site');

  // Replace placeholders by current context values.
  $titles = ctools_context_keyword_substitute($titles, array(), $contexts);
  $paths = ctools_context_keyword_substitute($paths, array(), $contexts);

  // Explode titles and paths into array.
  $path_breadcrumb->titles_prepared = explode("\n", $titles);
  $path_breadcrumb->paths_prepared = explode("\n", $paths);

  // Support empty breadcrumbs (disabling).
  if (count($path_breadcrumb->titles_prepared) == 1 && $path_breadcrumb->titles_prepared[0] == '<none>' && $path_breadcrumb->paths_prepared[0] == '<none>') {
    $path_breadcrumb->titles_prepared = array();
    $path_breadcrumb->paths_prepared = array();
  foreach ($path_breadcrumb->titles_prepared as $key => $title) {

    // Remove breadcrumb from navigation if it is empty.
    if (empty($title)) {
    $options = array();

    // Decode title if needed.
    $decode_html_entities = variable_get('path_breadcrumbs_decode_entities', TRUE);
    if ($decode_html_entities) {
      $title = html_entity_decode($title, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

    // Truncate to max length, consider ellipsis (+3 symbols).
    $truncate_length = variable_get('path_breadcrumbs_truncate_title_length', '');
    $title_length = drupal_strlen($title);
    if ($truncate_length && $truncate_length < $title_length) {

      // Show full title in tooltip.
      $options['attributes']['title'] = $title;
      $title = truncate_utf8($title, $truncate_length + 3, TRUE, TRUE);

    // Set a breadcrumb as a link or as a plain text.
    if (isset($path_breadcrumb->paths_prepared[$key]) && $path_breadcrumb->paths_prepared[$key] != '<none>') {
      $path = _path_breadcrumbs_clean_url($path_breadcrumb->paths_prepared[$key], $options);
      $breadcrumb[] = l($title, $path, $options);
    elseif (isset($path_breadcrumb->paths_prepared[$key]) && $path_breadcrumb->paths_prepared[$key] == '<none>') {
      $breadcrumb[] = check_plain($title);

  // Inform other modules that this PB item wasn't loaded from cache.
  $path_breadcrumb->from_cache = FALSE;

  // Allow other modules to alter breadcrumbs generated by this module.
  drupal_alter('path_breadcrumbs_view', $breadcrumb, $path_breadcrumb, $contexts);
  return $breadcrumb;

 * Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
function path_breadcrumbs_ctools_plugin_directory($owner, $plugin_type) {
  if ($owner == 'ctools') {
    return 'plugins/' . $plugin_type;

 * Implements hook_flush_caches().
function path_breadcrumbs_flush_caches() {
  return array(

 * Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
function path_breadcrumbs_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
  global $theme_key;
  $internal_render = variable_get('path_breadcrumbs_internal_render', 1);
  $themes = variable_get('path_breadcrumbs_internal_render_themes', array());
  if ($internal_render && (empty($themes) || in_array($theme_key, $themes))) {
    $theme_registry['breadcrumb']['theme path'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'path_breadcrumbs');
    $theme_registry['breadcrumb']['function'] = 'path_breadcrumbs_breadcrumb';

 * Override default theme_breadcrumb().
 * @param array $variables
 *   Contains array with breadcrumbs.
 * @return bool|string
 *   Rendered breadcrumbs or FALSE for no breadcrumbs.
function path_breadcrumbs_breadcrumb($variables) {
  $breadcrumbs = $variables['breadcrumb'];
  if (!empty($breadcrumbs)) {

    // Provide a navigational heading to give context for breadcrumb links to
    // screen-reader users. Make the heading invisible with .element-invisible.
    $output = '<h2 class="element-invisible">' . t('You are here') . '</h2>';

    // Hide breadcrumb navigation if it contains only one element.
    $hide_single_breadcrumb = variable_get('path_breadcrumbs_hide_single_breadcrumb', 0);
    if ($hide_single_breadcrumb && count($breadcrumbs) == 1) {
      return FALSE;

    // Bootstrap 3 compatibility. See:
    if (is_array($breadcrumbs[count($breadcrumbs) - 1])) {

    // Add options for rich snippets.
    $elem_tag = 'span';
    $elem_property = '';
    $root_property = '';
    $options = array(
      'html' => TRUE,
    $snippet = variable_get('path_breadcrumbs_rich_snippets', PATH_BREADCRUMBS_RICH_SNIPPETS_DISABLED);

      // Add link options for RDFa support.
      $options['attributes'] = array(
        'rel' => 'v:url',
        'property' => 'v:title',
      $options['absolute'] = TRUE;

      // Set correct properties for RDFa support.
      $elem_property = ' typeof="v:Breadcrumb"';
      $root_property = ' xmlns:v=""';

      // Add link options for microdata support.
      $options['attributes'] = array(
        'itemprop' => 'url',
      $options['absolute'] = TRUE;

      // Set correct properties for microdata support.
      $elem_property = ' itemscope itemtype=""';
      $elem_tag = 'div';

      // Add style that will display breadcrumbs wrapped in <div> inline.
      drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'path_breadcrumbs') . '/css/path_breadcrumbs.css');
    foreach ($breadcrumbs as $key => $breadcrumb) {

      // Build classes for the breadcrumbs.
      $classes = array(
      $classes[] = $key % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
      if ($key == 0) {
        $classes[] = 'first';
      if (count($breadcrumbs) == $key + 1) {
        $classes[] = 'last';

      // For rich snippets support all links should be processed in the same way,
      // even if they are provided not by Path Breadcrumbs module. So I have to
      // parse html code and create links again with new properties.
      preg_match('/href="([^"]+?)"/', $breadcrumb, $matches);

      // Remove base path from href.
      $href = '';
      if (!empty($matches[1])) {
        global $base_path;
        global $language_url;
        $base_string = rtrim($base_path, "/");

        // Append additional params to base string if clean urls are disabled.
        if (!variable_get('clean_url', 0)) {
          $base_string .= '?q=';

        // Append additional params to base string for multilingual sites.
        // @note: Only core URL detection method supported.
        $enabled_negotiation_types = variable_get("language_negotiation_language", array());
        if (!empty($enabled_negotiation_types['locale-url']) && !empty($language_url->prefix)) {
          $base_string .= '/' . $language_url->prefix;

        // Means that this is href to the frontpage.
        if ($matches[1] == $base_string || $matches[1] == '' || $matches[1] == '/') {
          $href = '';
        elseif (stripos($matches[1], "{$base_string}/") === 0) {
          $href = drupal_substr($matches[1], drupal_strlen("{$base_string}/"));
        else {

          // HREF param can't starts with '/'.
          $href = stripos($matches[1], '/') === 0 ? drupal_substr($matches[1], 1) : $matches[1];

        // If HREF param is empty it should be linked to a front page.
        $href = empty($href) ? '<front>' : $href;

      // Get breadcrumb title from a link like "<a href = "/path">title</a>".
      $title = trim(strip_tags($breadcrumb));

      // Wrap title in additional element for microdata support.
        $title = '<span itemprop="title">' . $title . '</span>';

      // Support title attribute.
      if (preg_match('/<a\\s.*?title="([^"]+)"[^>]*>/i', $breadcrumb, $attr_matches)) {
        $options['attributes']['title'] = $attr_matches[1];
      else {

      // Decode url to prevent double encoding in l().
      $href = rawurldecode($href);

      // Move query params from $href to $options.
      $href = _path_breadcrumbs_clean_url($href, $options, 'none');

      // Build new text or link breadcrumb.
      $new_breadcrumb = !empty($href) ? l($title, $href, $options) : $title;

      // Replace old breadcrumb link with a new one.
      $breadcrumbs[$key] = '<' . $elem_tag . ' class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"' . $elem_property . '>' . $new_breadcrumb . '</' . $elem_tag . '>';

    // Get breadcrumb delimiter and wrap it into <span> for customization.
    $delimiter = check_plain(variable_get('path_breadcrumbs_delimiter', '»'));
    $delimiter = '<span class="delimiter">' . trim($delimiter) . '</span>';
    $classes = array(

    // Show contextual link if it is Path Breadcrumbs variant.
    $prefix = '';
    $path_breadcrumbs_data = path_breadcrumbs_load_variant(current_path());
    if (user_access('administer path breadcrumbs') && $path_breadcrumbs_data && isset($path_breadcrumbs_data->variant)) {
      $contextual_links = array(
        '#type' => 'contextual_links',
        '#contextual_links' => array(
          'path_breadcrumbs' => array(
      $prefix = drupal_render($contextual_links);
      $classes[] = 'contextual-links-region';

    // Build final version of breadcrumb's HTML output.
    $output .= '<div class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '"' . $root_property . '>' . $prefix . implode(" {$delimiter} ", $breadcrumbs) . '</div>';
    return $output;

  // Return false if no breadcrumbs.
  return FALSE;

 * Save path breadcrumb.
 * @param object $path_breadcrumbs
 *   Object with path breadcrumb data.
 * @return int
 *   ID of inserted/updated path breadcrumb.
function path_breadcrumbs_save($path_breadcrumbs) {

  // Include Chaos Tools' exportable library.

  // Build array with full access data.
  if (!empty($path_breadcrumbs->access) && !empty($path_breadcrumbs->logic)) {
    $path_breadcrumbs->access['logic'] = $path_breadcrumbs->logic;
  elseif (empty($path_breadcrumbs->access)) {
    $path_breadcrumbs->access = array();

  // Set defaults.
  if (!isset($path_breadcrumbs->arguments)) {
    $path_breadcrumbs->arguments = array();
  if (!isset($path_breadcrumbs->export_type)) {
    $path_breadcrumbs->export_type = NULL;

  // Ctools will serialize data itself.
  $path_breadcrumbs->data = array(
    'titles' => $path_breadcrumbs->titles,
    'paths' => $path_breadcrumbs->paths,
    'home' => $path_breadcrumbs->home,
    'translatable' => $path_breadcrumbs->translatable,
    'arguments' => $path_breadcrumbs->arguments,
    'access' => $path_breadcrumbs->access,
  if (!empty($path_breadcrumbs->custom)) {
    $path_breadcrumbs->data['custom'] = $path_breadcrumbs->custom;
  $save_result = ctools_export_crud_save('path_breadcrumbs', $path_breadcrumbs);

  // FALSE means error while saving.
  if ($save_result) {

    // Remove data from ctools object cache table.

    // Allow modules to know that path_breadcrumbs were saved.
    $path_breadcrumbs->is_new = $save_result == SAVED_NEW;
    module_invoke_all('path_breadcrumbs_save', $path_breadcrumbs);

    // Truncate all cached data.
    cache_clear_all('*', PATH_BREADCRUMBS_CACHE_STORAGE, TRUE);

  // Return saving result, SAVED_NEW or SAVED_UPDATED.
  return $save_result;

 * Delete path breadcrumb.
 * @param string $name
 *   Path breadcrumb's name.
function path_breadcrumbs_delete($name) {
  $path_breadcrumbs = path_breadcrumbs_load_by_name($name);

  // Inform modules about deleting path_breadcrumbs.
  module_invoke_all('path_breadcrumbs_delete', $path_breadcrumbs);

  // Call ctools functions to remove object correctly.
  ctools_export_crud_delete('path_breadcrumbs', $path_breadcrumbs);

  // Truncate all cached data.

 * Prepare raw object from Ctools to normal path_breadcrumbs object.
 * @param object $path_breadcrumbs_raw
 *   Object loaded from database or ctools_export_load_object().
 * @return object
 *   $path_breadcrumbs prepared object.
function path_breadcrumbs_load_prepare($path_breadcrumbs_raw) {

  // Merge breadcrumb data with parent for more flattening structure.
  $path_breadcrumbs = (object) array_merge((array) $path_breadcrumbs_raw, $path_breadcrumbs_raw->data);
  $path_breadcrumbs->disabled = isset($path_breadcrumbs->disabled) ? $path_breadcrumbs->disabled : FALSE;
  $path_breadcrumbs->is_overwritten = $path_breadcrumbs->export_type == (EXPORT_IN_DATABASE | EXPORT_IN_CODE);
  return $path_breadcrumbs;

 * Load path breadcrumbs by ID.
 * @param int $path_id
 *   ID of path breadcrumb that should be loaded.
 * @return object
 *   Loaded path breadcrumb.
function path_breadcrumbs_load($path_id) {

  // Cache it because Ctools cache is not helpful for 'conditions' loading.
  $paths =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($paths[$path_id])) {
    $result = ctools_export_load_object('path_breadcrumbs', 'conditions', array(
      'path_id' => $path_id,
    $path_breadcrumbs = reset($result);
    if (!empty($path_breadcrumbs)) {

      // Merge breadcrumb data with parent for more flattening structure.
      $path_breadcrumbs = path_breadcrumbs_load_prepare($path_breadcrumbs);
      $paths[$path_id] = $path_breadcrumbs;
  return isset($paths[$path_id]) ? $paths[$path_id] : FALSE;

 * Load path breadcrumb by name.
 * @param string $name
 *   Path breadcrumb's name.
 * @return object
 *   Object with path breadcrumb.
function path_breadcrumbs_load_by_name($name) {
  $result = ctools_export_load_object('path_breadcrumbs', 'names', array(
  if (!empty($result[$name])) {

    // Merge breadcrumb data with parent for more flattening structure.
    $path_breadcrumbs = path_breadcrumbs_load_prepare($result[$name]);
  return isset($path_breadcrumbs) ? $path_breadcrumbs : FALSE;

 * Load multiple objects by names.
 * @param array $names
 * @return array
 *   Array of path breadcrumbs objects.
function path_breadcrumbs_load_by_name_multiple($names) {
  $result = ctools_export_load_object('path_breadcrumbs', 'names', $names);

  // Merge breadcrumb data with parent for more flattening structure.
  foreach ($result as $name => $path_breadcrumbs) {
    $result[$name] = path_breadcrumbs_load_prepare($path_breadcrumbs);
  return $result;

 * Load all path breadcrumbs from database and code.
 * @return array
 *   Array of path_breadcrumbs objects.
function path_breadcrumbs_load_all() {
  $data = ctools_export_load_object('path_breadcrumbs', 'all');

  // Make objects more developer-friendly.
  $data = array_map('path_breadcrumbs_load_prepare', $data);

  // Order by weight.
  uasort($data, '_path_breadcrumbs_sort_weight');
  return $data;

 * Load enabled path_breadcrumbs by path.
 * @param string $path
 *    Current page path.
 * @return array
 *    Array of path_breadcrumbs sorted by weight.
function path_breadcrumbs_load_by_path($path) {
  $data =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  $pattern_needle = path_breadcrumbs_path_pattern($path);
  if (empty($data[$pattern_needle])) {

    // Ensure the cache object has data.
    if (isset($cache->data)) {
      $data = $cache->data;
    else {

      // Do heavy work and cache results.

      // No need to sort variants by weight because path_breadcrumbs_load_all()
      // already sorted all data.
      $result = path_breadcrumbs_load_all();
      foreach ($result as $path_breadcrumbs) {
        if (empty($path_breadcrumbs->disabled)) {
          $pattern = path_breadcrumbs_path_pattern($path_breadcrumbs->path);
          $data[$pattern][] = $path_breadcrumbs;
  return isset($data[$pattern_needle]) ? $data[$pattern_needle] : array();

 * Load ctools contexts from path arguments.
 * @param $arguments
 *   URL arguments.
 * @param bool $empty
 *   Define load context for empty arguments or not
 * @param string $path
 *   Page url.
 * @return array
 *   Array with context plugins.
function path_breadcrumbs_get_contexts_from_arguments($arguments, $empty = FALSE, $path = NULL) {
  $contexts = array();

  // Include ctools library for contexts.
  if (!empty($arguments)) {

    // Get contexts from arguments.
    foreach ($arguments as $keyword => $arg) {
      if (!empty($arg['argument'])) {
        $argument = ctools_get_argument($arg['argument']);
        if (isset($arg['settings'])) {
          $argument = array_merge($argument, $arg['settings']);

        // See what we should return: empty contexts or from path arguments.
        $arg = $empty ? NULL : arg($arg['position'], $path);

        // Build context.
        $context = call_user_func($argument['context'], $arg, $argument, $empty);
        if (!empty($context)) {
          $context->keyword = $keyword;
          $context->identifier = $argument['identifier'];
          $contexts[$keyword] = $context;

          // Override Ctools User plugin with improved PB version.
          if ($context->plugin == 'user') {
            $context->plugin = 'path_breadcrumbs_user';
        else {
          $contexts['broken_context'] = $keyword;
  return $contexts;

 * Get path breadcrumb data from cache.
 * @param  $name
 *   Machine name of path breadcrumb that should be loaded.
 * @param bool $skip_cache
 *   Skip current cache or not.
 * @return object
 *   Return cached object.
function path_breadcrumbs_object_cache_get($name, $skip_cache = FALSE) {
  return ctools_object_cache_get('path_breadcrumbs', $name, $skip_cache);

 * Cache path breadcrumb data.
 * @param  $name
 *   Machine name of path breadcrumb.
 * @param  $data
 *   Data to store.
 * @return void
function path_breadcrumbs_object_cache_set($name, $data) {
  $data = (object) $data;
  ctools_object_cache_set('path_breadcrumbs', $name, $data);

 * Clear ctools object cache.
 * @param $name
 *   Path breadcrumb name.
function path_breadcrumbs_object_cache_clear($name) {
  ctools_object_cache_clear('path_breadcrumbs', $name);

 * Create sql pattern from url.
 * Replaces all path arguments except the 1st one with %-symbol.
 * @param string $path
 * @return string pattern
function path_breadcrumbs_path_pattern($path) {
  $cache =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (empty($cache[$path])) {

    // Example: 'node/%node/view' -> 'node/%/%.
    $cache[$path] = preg_replace("\n            /\\/     # start with slash\n            [^\\/]+  # all symbols except for the slash\n            /x", '/%', $path);
  return $cache[$path];

 * This is version of drupal_sort_weight() for objects.
 * Function used by uasort to sort array of objects by weight.
 * @param $a
 * @param $b
 * @return int
function _path_breadcrumbs_sort_weight($a, $b) {
  $a_weight = isset($a->weight) ? $a->weight : 0;
  $b_weight = isset($b->weight) ? $b->weight : 0;
  if ($a_weight == $b_weight) {
    return 0;
  return $a_weight < $b_weight ? -1 : 1;

 * Ctools export callback.
 * @param $path_breadcrumbs
 * @param $indent
 * @return string
function path_breadcrumbs_export($path_breadcrumbs, $indent) {

  // Structure object according to schema.
  if (empty($path_breadcrumbs->data)) {
    $path_breadcrumbs->data = array(
      'titles' => $path_breadcrumbs->titles,
      'paths' => $path_breadcrumbs->paths,
      'home' => $path_breadcrumbs->home,
      'translatable' => $path_breadcrumbs->translatable,
      'arguments' => $path_breadcrumbs->arguments,
      'access' => $path_breadcrumbs->access,
    if (!empty($path_breadcrumbs->custom)) {
      $path_breadcrumbs->data['custom'] = $path_breadcrumbs->custom;
  return ctools_export_object('path_breadcrumbs', $path_breadcrumbs, $indent);

 * Ctools list callback of all avalible path_breadcrumbs objects.
 * @return array
function path_breadcrumbs_export_list() {
  $list = array();
  $result = path_breadcrumbs_load_all();
  uksort($result, 'strnatcmp');
  foreach ($result as $path_breadcrumbs) {
    $string = $path_breadcrumbs->name . " (" . $path_breadcrumbs->machine_name . ")";
    $list[$path_breadcrumbs->machine_name] = check_plain($string);
  return $list;

 * Implements hook_panels_pane_content_alter().
 * Override default 'page_breadcrumb' content.
function path_breadcrumbs_panels_pane_content_alter(&$content, $pane, $args, $context, $renderer, $display) {
  if (empty($content)) {
  if ($content->type == 'page_breadcrumb') {

    // Init Path Breadcrumbs early.
    $content->content = theme('breadcrumb', array(
      'breadcrumb' => drupal_get_breadcrumb(),

 * Helper function to clean URLs according to Path Breadcrumbs settings.
 * @param $url URL to clean.
 * @param &$options array of options for l() function.
 *   Function can overwrite 'query' and 'fragment' keys with data from $url.
 * @param $method One of supported methods: 'none', 'ctools', 'pathauto'.
 * @return string Cleared URL.
function _path_breadcrumbs_clean_url($url, &$options, $method = NULL) {

  // Reset options.
  $options['fragment'] = '';
  $options['query'] = array();

  // Decode &amp; back to &.
  $url_short = htmlspecialchars_decode($url, ENT_NOQUOTES);
  $url_parts = parse_url($url_short);

  // Remove #hash from URL.
  if (!empty($url_parts['fragment'])) {
    $options['fragment'] = $url_parts['fragment'];
    list($url_short, ) = explode('#', $url_short, 2);

  // Remove query string from URL.
  $options['query'] = array();
  if (!empty($url_parts['query'])) {
    list($url_short, ) = explode('?', $url_short, 2);
    parse_str($url_parts['query'], $query);
    $options['query'] += $query;
  if (empty($method)) {
    $method = variable_get('path_breadcrumbs_url_cleaning_method', 'none');
  if ($method == 'none') {
    return $url_short;

  // Ignore absolute URLs.
  if (preg_match('@^http(s?)://@i', $url_short)) {
    return $url_short;
  $ctools_cleanstring_settings = array(
    'clean id' => 'path_breadcrumbs_url',
    'lower case' => TRUE,
    'transliterate' => TRUE,
    'reduce ascii' => FALSE,
    'separator' => '-',
  $pieces = explode('/', $url_short);
  $results = array();
  if ($method == 'ctools') {
    foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
      $results[] = ctools_cleanstring($piece, $ctools_cleanstring_settings);
    $options['fragment'] = ctools_cleanstring($options['fragment'], $ctools_cleanstring_settings);
  elseif ($method == 'pathauto' && module_exists('pathauto')) {
    module_load_include('inc', 'pathauto');
    foreach ($pieces as $piece) {
      $results[] = pathauto_cleanstring($piece);
    $options['fragment'] = pathauto_cleanstring($options['fragment']);
  else {
    $results = $pieces;
  return implode('/', $results);

 * Options callback for 'path_breadcrumbs_internal_render_themes' setting.
function _path_breadcrumbs_themes_option_list() {
  $result = array();
  $admin_theme = variable_get('admin_theme');
  foreach (list_themes() as $theme) {
    $result[$theme->name] = $theme->info['name'];
    if ($theme->status) {
      $result[$theme->name] = '<strong title="' . t('This theme is enabled') . '">' . $result[$theme->name] . '</strong>';
    if ($theme->name == $admin_theme) {
      $result[$theme->name] = $theme->info['name'] . ' (<em>' . t('Administration theme') . '</em>)';
  return $result;


Namesort descending Description
path_breadcrumbs_breadcrumb Override default theme_breadcrumb().
path_breadcrumbs_ctools_plugin_directory Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
path_breadcrumbs_delete Delete path breadcrumb.
path_breadcrumbs_export Ctools export callback.
path_breadcrumbs_export_list Ctools list callback of all avalible path_breadcrumbs objects.
path_breadcrumbs_flush_caches Implements hook_flush_caches().
path_breadcrumbs_get_contexts_from_arguments Load ctools contexts from path arguments.
path_breadcrumbs_load Load path breadcrumbs by ID.
path_breadcrumbs_load_all Load all path breadcrumbs from database and code.
path_breadcrumbs_load_by_name Load path breadcrumb by name.
path_breadcrumbs_load_by_name_multiple Load multiple objects by names.
path_breadcrumbs_load_by_path Load enabled path_breadcrumbs by path.
path_breadcrumbs_load_prepare Prepare raw object from Ctools to normal path_breadcrumbs object.
path_breadcrumbs_load_variant Load and build path breadcrumb variant for page url. Results are cached.
path_breadcrumbs_object_cache_clear Clear ctools object cache.
path_breadcrumbs_object_cache_get Get path breadcrumb data from cache.
path_breadcrumbs_object_cache_set Cache path breadcrumb data.
path_breadcrumbs_page_alter Implements hook_page_alter().
path_breadcrumbs_panels_pane_content_alter Implements hook_panels_pane_content_alter().
path_breadcrumbs_path_pattern Create sql pattern from url. Replaces all path arguments except the 1st one with %-symbol.
path_breadcrumbs_save Save path breadcrumb.
path_breadcrumbs_set_breadcrumb Init Path Breadcrumbs.
path_breadcrumbs_theme_registry_alter Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
_path_breadcrumbs_build_breadcrumbs Build breadcrumbs navigation from loaded path breadcrumb variant.
_path_breadcrumbs_clean_url Helper function to clean URLs according to Path Breadcrumbs settings.
_path_breadcrumbs_sort_weight This is version of drupal_sort_weight() for objects. Function used by uasort to sort array of objects by weight.
_path_breadcrumbs_themes_option_list Options callback for 'path_breadcrumbs_internal_render_themes' setting.
