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CHANGELOG.txt in Path Breadcrumbs 7.3

Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.x, xxxx-xx-xx

Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.3, 2015-07-15
by Spleshka: Added new token current-page:path-menu-trail:pb-join:* which generates breadcrumbs from menu items based on path bits.
by Spleshka: Improved performance with static caching of heavy path_breadcrumbs_load_variant() function.
#2473109 by Fant0m, kalabro, petu: Fixed destination parameter is present but doesn't work during editing breadcrumb.

Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.2, 2015-02-04
by kalabro: Added new option to enable Path Breadcrumbs on 403/404 pages.

Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.1, 2015-01-01
by Spleshka: Removed static caching from path_breadcrumbs_load_all(), because it is already implemented in ctools_export_load_object().
#2354497 by perusio, Spleshka: Checking if translatable property of object exists.
#1893878 by OnkelTem: Use $language_url just like l() does.
by kalabro: Show error message if user inputs path alias.
#2394337 by ekes: Restrict some percent-encoded sequences in path tokens.

Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0, 2014-06-24
by kalabro: Fixed PHP Warning implode(): Invalid arguments passed in _path_breadcrumbs_menu_token_generate().
#2246181 by maximpodorov, kalabro: Cache empty results to prevent heavy variant lookup process. hook_path_breadcrumbs_view_alter() now works for cached items too.
#2261911 by Nicolas Bouteille, kalabro: Clone translations when cloning Path Breadcrumbs item.
#2290447 by R-H, kalabro: Allow to create empty breadcrumbs (disabling).

Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-rc2, 2014-02-16
#2178169 by kalabro | audealexandre: Added *:pb-join:none token for empty strings.
#2184389 by maximpodorov: Fixed New Panels module code generates warnings in Path Breadcrumbs.
#2068619 by FreekVR, halefx, kalabro: Fixed PHP Warning Missing argument 3 for ctools argument settings form.
#2189149 by korgik | kalabro: Added option to build breadcrumbs for custom URL via path_breadcrumbs_set_breadcrumb() function.

Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-rc1, 2014-01-26
#2178565 by kalabro | Fina Bluma: Fixed warnings when using Bootstrap theme.
#2175751 by kalabro | VasilyKraev: Fixed strict warning when using RESTWS module.
#2171769 by kalabro | FortEZ: Fixed Profile2 token not replaced from Ctools User context.

Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-beta7, 2014-01-08
#2122051 by kalabro | Fixed Machine name validation error when clone PB item.
#2118329 by kalabro | klim_: Improved URL query support (?&=).
#2066223 by sylus, OnkelTem: Add partial jquery_update-dev support.
#2153755 by bkosborne: Fixed Variable "path_breadcrumbs_decode_entities" not deleted on uninstall.
#2149763 by kalabro, manuelBS | Spleshka: Added 'pb-join' token for node menus, current page menu item and Book hierarchy.
#2160011 by kalabro | VasilyKraev: Added "Configuration Management" module support.

Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-beta6, 2013-10-25
#2067579 by adamzimmermann, kalabro: Fixed External URLs don't work when using Path Breadcrumbs render function.
#1975160 by kalabro: Added Breadcrumbs internal rendering settings per theme.
#2118329 by kalabro, klim_: Added query symbols support (?&=).

Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-beta5, 2013-09-29
#1976008 by klonos, Spleshka, kalabro: Renamed "Path breadcrumbs" to "Path Breadcrumbs".
by kalabro: Converted ":parent:" token from list to single item in UI autocomplete.
#2089979 by maximpodorov, kalabro: Fixed multiple PHP "Undefined property" Notices.
#2095631 by oskar_calvo, kalabro: Fixed path breadcrumbs cache doesn't work with translation.
#1954868 by kalabro | abautu, rosberg: Reimplemented and fixed %site context.
by kalabro: Added new access plugins: "Taxonomy: term has children" and "Taxonomy: term depth".

Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-beta4, 2013-08-06
#2021855 by kalabro | ergow: Fixed double url encoding when using Path breadcrumbs render function.
#1893878 by kalabro | Anthony Goode: Fixed Duplicated path prefix in urls when using Path breadcrumbs render function.
#2051905 by kalabro | operations: Fixed Refreshing i18n strings deletes translated strings.
#2033169 by kalabro: Added new option "URL path cleaning method" with CTools and Pathauto support.
#1929110 by samhassell, VasilyKraev, kalabro: Added new option "Maximum title length" for truncating long strings.
#1959890 by rimen, grient, kalabro: Link/title fields maxlength increased to 256.
By kalabro: Added new "pb-join" token for hierarchical taxonomy breadcrumbs.
#2035365 by lecler, kalabro: Fixed Translations lost after reverting path breadcrumbs.
#2018979 by mmikitka, kalabro: Sort breadcrumbs export by natural order for better file diffing.

Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-beta3, 2013-06-19
#1958842 by kalabro | VasilyKraev, philsward, Spleshka, das-peter: Fixed Path Breadcrumbs doesn't work in Panels content type.
#2021907 by kalabro: Show contextual links for Path Breadcrumbs variant.
#1954002 by rimen, kalabro: Fixed arguments with underscore not work in tokens. Added raw arguments to autocomplete.
#1954868 by kalabro | abautu, rosberg: Fixed %site context doesn't work.
#1982528 by kalabro: Fixed PDOException because of ctools cache object conflicts.
#1946760 by maximpodorov, Spleshka: Provide API for additional Path Breadcrumbs configuration on 4th step.

Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-beta2, 2013-04-14
#1959052 by zhangx1a0, kalabro, Spleshka: Fixed Cannot change term page breadcrumbs


View source
  1. Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.x, xxxx-xx-xx
  2. Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.3, 2015-07-15
  3. by Spleshka: Added new token current-page:path-menu-trail:pb-join:* which generates breadcrumbs from menu items based on path bits.
  4. by Spleshka: Improved performance with static caching of heavy path_breadcrumbs_load_variant() function.
  5. #2473109 by Fant0m, kalabro, petu: Fixed destination parameter is present but doesn't work during editing breadcrumb.
  6. Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.2, 2015-02-04
  7. by kalabro: Added new option to enable Path Breadcrumbs on 403/404 pages.
  8. Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.1, 2015-01-01
  9. by Spleshka: Removed static caching from path_breadcrumbs_load_all(), because it is already implemented in ctools_export_load_object().
  10. #2354497 by perusio, Spleshka: Checking if translatable property of object exists.
  11. #1893878 by OnkelTem: Use $language_url just like l() does.
  12. by kalabro: Show error message if user inputs path alias.
  13. #2394337 by ekes: Restrict some percent-encoded sequences in path tokens.
  14. Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0, 2014-06-24
  15. by kalabro: Fixed PHP Warning implode(): Invalid arguments passed in _path_breadcrumbs_menu_token_generate().
  16. #2246181 by maximpodorov, kalabro: Cache empty results to prevent heavy variant lookup process. hook_path_breadcrumbs_view_alter() now works for cached items too.
  17. #2261911 by Nicolas Bouteille, kalabro: Clone translations when cloning Path Breadcrumbs item.
  18. #2290447 by R-H, kalabro: Allow to create empty breadcrumbs (disabling).
  19. Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-rc2, 2014-02-16
  20. #2178169 by kalabro | audealexandre: Added *:pb-join:none token for empty strings.
  21. #2184389 by maximpodorov: Fixed New Panels module code generates warnings in Path Breadcrumbs.
  22. #2068619 by FreekVR, halefx, kalabro: Fixed PHP Warning Missing argument 3 for ctools argument settings form.
  23. #2189149 by korgik | kalabro: Added option to build breadcrumbs for custom URL via path_breadcrumbs_set_breadcrumb() function.
  24. Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-rc1, 2014-01-26
  25. ------------------------------
  26. #2178565 by kalabro | Fina Bluma: Fixed warnings when using Bootstrap theme.
  27. #2175751 by kalabro | VasilyKraev: Fixed strict warning when using RESTWS module.
  28. #2171769 by kalabro | FortEZ: Fixed Profile2 token not replaced from Ctools User context.
  29. Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-beta7, 2014-01-08
  30. #2122051 by kalabro | Fixed Machine name validation error when clone PB item.
  31. #2118329 by kalabro | klim_: Improved URL query support (?&=).
  32. #2066223 by sylus, OnkelTem: Add partial jquery_update-dev support.
  33. #2153755 by bkosborne: Fixed Variable "path_breadcrumbs_decode_entities" not deleted on uninstall.
  34. #2149763 by kalabro, manuelBS | Spleshka: Added 'pb-join' token for node menus, current page menu item and Book hierarchy.
  35. #2160011 by kalabro | VasilyKraev: Added "Configuration Management" module support.
  36. Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-beta6, 2013-10-25
  37. ------------------------------
  38. #2067579 by adamzimmermann, kalabro: Fixed External URLs don't work when using Path Breadcrumbs render function.
  39. #1975160 by kalabro: Added Breadcrumbs internal rendering settings per theme.
  40. #2118329 by kalabro, klim_: Added query symbols support (?&=).
  41. Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-beta5, 2013-09-29
  42. ------------------------------
  43. #1976008 by klonos, Spleshka, kalabro: Renamed "Path breadcrumbs" to "Path Breadcrumbs".
  44. by kalabro: Converted ":parent:" token from list to single item in UI autocomplete.
  45. #2089979 by maximpodorov, kalabro: Fixed multiple PHP "Undefined property" Notices.
  46. #2095631 by oskar_calvo, kalabro: Fixed path breadcrumbs cache doesn't work with translation.
  47. #1954868 by kalabro | abautu, rosberg: Reimplemented and fixed %site context.
  48. by kalabro: Added new access plugins: "Taxonomy: term has children" and "Taxonomy: term depth".
  49. Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-beta4, 2013-08-06
  50. ------------------------------
  51. #2021855 by kalabro | ergow: Fixed double url encoding when using Path breadcrumbs render function.
  52. #1893878 by kalabro | Anthony Goode: Fixed Duplicated path prefix in urls when using Path breadcrumbs render function.
  53. #2051905 by kalabro | operations: Fixed Refreshing i18n strings deletes translated strings.
  54. #2033169 by kalabro: Added new option "URL path cleaning method" with CTools and Pathauto support.
  55. #1929110 by samhassell, VasilyKraev, kalabro: Added new option "Maximum title length" for truncating long strings.
  56. #1959890 by rimen, grient, kalabro: Link/title fields maxlength increased to 256.
  57. By kalabro: Added new "pb-join" token for hierarchical taxonomy breadcrumbs.
  58. #2035365 by lecler, kalabro: Fixed Translations lost after reverting path breadcrumbs.
  59. #2018979 by mmikitka, kalabro: Sort breadcrumbs export by natural order for better file diffing.
  60. Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-beta3, 2013-06-19
  61. ------------------------------
  62. #1958842 by kalabro | VasilyKraev, philsward, Spleshka, das-peter: Fixed Path Breadcrumbs doesn't work in Panels content type.
  63. #2021907 by kalabro: Show contextual links for Path Breadcrumbs variant.
  64. #1954002 by rimen, kalabro: Fixed arguments with underscore not work in tokens. Added raw arguments to autocomplete.
  65. #1954868 by kalabro | abautu, rosberg: Fixed %site context doesn't work.
  66. #1982528 by kalabro: Fixed PDOException because of ctools cache object conflicts.
  67. #1946760 by maximpodorov, Spleshka: Provide API for additional Path Breadcrumbs configuration on 4th step.
  68. Path Breadcrumbs 7.x-3.0-beta2, 2013-04-14
  69. ------------------------------
  70. #1959052 by zhangx1a0, kalabro, Spleshka: Fixed Cannot change term page breadcrumbs