function PasswordStrengthTestCase::setRequiredScore in Password Strength 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 6.2 tests/password_strength.test \PasswordStrengthTestCase::setRequiredScore()
Sets a required score through the admin UI.
int $score: An integer corresponding to a password strength.
1 call to PasswordStrengthTestCase::setRequiredScore()
- PasswordStrengthTestCase::testChangePassword in tests/
password_strength.test - Tests various levels of minimum scores when changing a user account password.
- tests/
password_strength.test, line 123 - Tests for password strength module.
- PasswordStrengthTestCase
- @file Tests for password strength module.
function setRequiredScore($score) {
$edit = array();
$edit['password_strength_default_required_score'] = $score;
->drupalPost('admin/config/system/password-strength', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
// Ensure the value was saved.
->assertIdentical(variable_get('password_strength_default_required_score'), $score, 'Password strength was saved properly.');