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public function PasswordPolicyExpirationTestCase::testWarningEmailsTokens in Password Policy 7

Tests tokens replacement in warning e-mails.

Importantly, this tests the Password Policy tokens.


tests/password_policy_expiration.test, line 451
Tests for Password policy module expiration functionality.


Tests of password expiration.


public function testWarningEmailsTokens() {
  $expiration_days = 30;
  $warning = '14';
    ->setExpirationPolicy($expiration_days, $rid, $warning);

  // Disable admin (UID=1) expiration to prevent multiple expiration emails.

  // Trigger expiration warning e-mail.
  // (Advance to one second past 14 days before expiration and run cron.)
  $one_day = 24 * 60 * 60;
  _password_policy_advance_test_clock(16 * $one_day + 1);

  // Assert correct subject.
  $warning_subject = t('Password expiration warning for !username at !site', array(
    '!username' => $this->policyMaker->name,
    '!site' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
    ->assertMail('subject', $warning_subject, "Tokens replaced in subject correctly.");

  // Assert correct body.
  $edit_url = _password_policy_get_preferred_password_edit_url_for_user($this->policyMaker);
  global $language;
  $langcode = isset($language) ? $language->language : NULL;
  $warning_body = t("!username,\n\nYour password at !site will expire in less than !days_left day(s).\n\nPlease go to !edit_url to change your password.", array(
    '!username' => $this->policyMaker->name,
    '!site' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
    '!days_left' => '14',
    '!edit_url' => $edit_url,
  ), array(
    'langcode' => $langcode,

  // assertMail() does not seem to work for the body because the mail
  // functions insert some whitespace into the body. assertMailString() seems
  // to work, though.
    ->assertMailString('body', $warning_body, 1);