protected function PasswordPolicyPasswordLengthRestrictionTestCase::setPolicyThatAppliesToAuthenticatedUser in Password Policy 7
Sets a password policy that applies to the authenticated user role.
This is just a minimal policy to apply to the admin (UID=1) user, which is being used for this test.
1 call to PasswordPolicyPasswordLengthRestrictionTestCase::setPolicyThatAppliesToAuthenticatedUser()
- PasswordPolicyPasswordLengthRestrictionTestCase::testOverlongPasswordSubmission in tests/
password_policy.test - Tests module response to submission of an overlong password.
- tests/
password_policy.test, line 1023 - Functional tests for Password policy module.
- PasswordPolicyPasswordLengthRestrictionTestCase
- Tests of restriction on password length.
protected function setPolicyThatAppliesToAuthenticatedUser() {
$policy_name = $this
$edit = array(
'name' => $policy_name,
"roles[{$rid}]" => $rid,
'constraint_alphanumeric' => 1,
->drupalPost('admin/config/people/password_policy/add', $edit, t('Create'));
$created_text = "Policy {$policy_name} has been created.";
->assertText($created_text, $created_text);
$this->policyRid = $rid;