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public function PasswordPolicyForcePasswordChangeTestCase::testForms in Password Policy 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 tests/password_policy.test \PasswordPolicyForcePasswordChangeTestCase::testForms()


tests/password_policy.test, line 295
Unit tests for Password policy module.




public function testForms() {

  // test admin form
  $user = $this
    'force password change',
    'administer users',
    ->assertFieldByName('password_policy_new_login_change', '', t('Found first time login change checkbox.'));
    ->assertFieldByName('password_policy_force_change_roles[2]', '', t('Found roles checkboxes.'));
    ->assertFieldById('edit-submit', '', t('Found submit button.'));

  // test user edit form with perms
    ->assertFieldByName('force_password_change', '', 'Force password change checkbox is visible to admin.');

  // test user edit form without perms
  $user = $this
    ->assertNoFieldByName('force_password_change', '', 'Force password change checkbox is hidden for normal users.');