You are here in Password Policy 7.2


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 * @file
 * Password history constraint for Password Policy module.
$plugin = array(
  'admin form callback' => 'password_policy_past_passwords_count_admin_form',
  'constraint callback' => 'password_policy_past_passwords_count_constraint',
  'message' => t('Password cannot match @past_passwords past passwords.'),
  'prime value' => 'past_passwords',
  'config' => array(
    'past_passwords' => NULL,

 * Admin form callback for password history constraint.
function password_policy_past_passwords_count_admin_form($form, &$form_state, $constraint) {
  $sub_form['past_passwords_fieldset'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Past passwords'),
  $sub_form['past_passwords_fieldset']['past_passwords'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Check against previous passwords'),
    '#default_value' => $constraint->config['past_passwords'],
    '#description' => t('Password cannot match this many previous passwords.'),
  return $sub_form;

 * Constraint callback for password history constraint.
function password_policy_past_passwords_count_constraint($password, $account, $constraint) {
  global $user;
  if (!$account) {
    $account = $user;
  require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . variable_get('password_inc', 'includes/');
  $count = $constraint->config['past_passwords'];
  $match = FALSE;

  // @TODO Find out why the hook_user_load is not running correctly.
  if (!isset($account->password_history)) {
      $account->uid => $account,
  for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {

    // If we have that level of depth see if we have a match.
    if (isset($account->password_history[$i])) {
      $match = $match || user_check_password($password, $account->password_history[$i]);
    else {
  return !$match;


Namesort descending Description
password_policy_past_passwords_count_admin_form Admin form callback for password history constraint.
password_policy_past_passwords_count_constraint Constraint callback for password history constraint.