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namespace Drupal\password_policy\Form in Password Policy 8.3

Classsort descending Location Description
ConstraintDelete src/Form/ConstraintDelete.php Deleting a constraint from a policy within the wizard.
ConstraintEdit src/Form/ConstraintEdit.php Editing a constraint within the policy wizard form.
PasswordPolicyConstraintForm src/Form/PasswordPolicyConstraintForm.php Form that lists out the constraints for the policy.
PasswordPolicyDeleteForm src/Form/PasswordPolicyDeleteForm.php Form to delete policies.
PasswordPolicyGeneralForm src/Form/PasswordPolicyGeneralForm.php The general settings of the policy not tied to constraints.
PasswordPolicyRolesForm src/Form/PasswordPolicyRolesForm.php The form to select roles that are associated to the policy.
PasswordReset src/Form/PasswordReset.php Provides a form to reset user passwords by role.