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private function PasswordPolicy::getItems in Password Policy 7.2

Gets all items of a particular type.


string $type: Item type.

Return value

PasswordPolicyItem[] Items.

4 calls to PasswordPolicy::getItems()
PasswordPolicy::activeConstraints in includes/
Returns all constraints that are active.
PasswordPolicy::cron in includes/
Runs cron for each of the items that is a cron item.
PasswordPolicy::init in includes/
Runs init for each of the items that is a cron item.
PasswordPolicy::match in includes/
Returns whether all active conditions match.


includes/, line 227
Contains PasswordPolicy.


Defines a class used for managing Password Policies.


private function getItems($type) {
  $this->cache[$type] = isset($this->cache[$type]) ? $this->cache[$type] : array();
  if (empty($this->cache[$type])) {
    foreach ($this->items as $item) {
      if ($item
        ->isType($type)) {
        $this->cache[$type][] = $item;
  return $this->cache[$type];