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28 calls to party_get_crm_controller() in Party 8.2

PartyController::setPrimaryFields in includes/
Set the primary fields for the party.
PartyDefaultDataSetUIAdd::action_form in includes/
Provides the action form for adding a new entity.
PartyDefaultDataSetUIAdd::action_form_submit in includes/
Form submission for the action form.
PartyDefaultDataSetUIAdd::get_page_title in includes/
The page title for the action form.
PartyDefaultDataSetUIAttach::get_page_title in includes/
The page title for the action form.
PartyUserDataSetUIAdd::action_form_submit in modules/party_user/includes/
Form submission for the action form.
PartyUserDataSetUIAttach::action_form_submit in modules/party_user/includes/
Form submission for the action form.
party_attached_entity_edit_form in ./
Form to edit or create an attached entity.
party_attached_entity_edit_form_render in plugins/content_types/
Render the Party Attached Entity Edit Form
party_attached_entity_field_label in plugins/party_name_label/
Generate the label for a party.
party_attached_entity_remove_confirm in ./
Form to confirm removing a data set from a party.
party_attach_entity in ./party.module
Attach an entity to a party according to a given data set.
party_detach_entity in ./party.module
Detach an entity from a party according to a given data set.
party_devel_generate_party_add_party in modules/party_devel/
Create one party. Used by both batch and non-batch code branches.
party_edit_form_form in plugins/content_types/
party_form in ./
Party edit form.
party_get_data_set in ./party.module
Return a Data Set object containing all the attached entities in a given data set for a particular party.
party_party_access in ./party.module
Implements hook_party_access().
party_party_delete in ./party.module
Implements hook_party_delete().
party_preprocess_entity in ./party.module
Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK().
party_property_dataset_get in ./party.module
Callback for getting attached entity property values.
party_simplenews_add_subsciption_settings_attached_entity in modules/party_simplenews/
Add a subscription settings attached entity
party_user_create_party_for_user in modules/party_user/party_user.module
party_user_party_access in modules/party_user/party_user.module
Implements hook_party_access()
party_user_username_label in modules/party_user/plugins/party_name_label/
Generate the label for a party.
party_user_user_insert in modules/party_user/party_user.module
Implements hook_user_insert().
party_user_user_view in modules/party_user/party_user.module
Implements hook_user_view().
party_view_data_set in ./
Page callback to view a data set.