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8 calls to party_access() in Party 7

PartyAccessTestCase::testPartyCRUDAccess in tests/party_access.test
Test CRUD Access on Party Entities.
PartyAccessTestCase::testPartyDataSetCRUDAccess in tests/party_access.test
Test Data Set CRUD Access.
PartyDefaultDataSet::getActions in includes/
Get actions for the attached entity. Check party access in each case.
party_attached_entity_content_type_render in plugins/content_types/attached_entity/
Render the custom content type.
party_data_set_form in ./party.module
Get the form for a data set (more to the point get a set of fields for the data set might need to work on this). This function checks the edit party attached data set permission.
party_entity_access in ./party.module
Wrap around party_access() for the entity api 'access callback'.
party_handler_field_delete_link::render in includes/views/
Render the field.
party_profile_profile2_access in modules/party_profile/party_profile.module
Implements hook_profile2_access().