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 * Hat related party acquisition hook implementations.

 * Implements hook_party_acquisition_values_alter().
 * Allow callers to indicate special user related behavior:
 * - $context['party_user']['values_reference']: Set to TRUE to indicate that
 *   the value in $context['party_user']['values'] are references to the main
 *   acquire values.
function party_user_party_acquisition_values_alter(&$values, array &$context) {
  if (!empty($context['party_user']['values_reference'])) {

    // Loop over the user values and set them. If they don't exist remove them.
    foreach ($context['party_user']['values'] as $property => &$value) {
      if (isset($values[$value])) {
        $value = $values[$value];
      else {
  if (!empty($context['party_user']['fallback'])) {
    $context['original_behavior'] = $context['behavior'];
    $context['behavior'] = PartyAcquisitionInterface::BEHAVIOR_NOTHING;

 * Implements hook_party_acquisition_query_alter().
 * Allow callers to indicate special user related behavior:
 * - $context['party_user']['has_user']: TRUE or FALSE to filter on whether the
 *   party has a user. NULL will not affect behaviour.
 * - $context['party_user']['values']: Optional array of values to filter on
 *   the user table.
 * - $context['party_user']['values_operator']: 'AND' or 'OR' to indicate what
 *   operator to use for the above values. Defaults to 'AND'.
function party_user_party_acquisition_query_alter(&$query, array &$context) {
  if (isset($context['party_user']['has_user']) || !empty($context['party_user']['values'])) {

    // Add our join to the user table, assume delta 0. PartyQuery can't handle
    // this without selecting other rows as well.
    $pae_alias = $query
      ->leftJoin('party_attached_entity', 'pae_user', ' = AND %alias.data_set = :user AND = :delta', array(
      ':user' => 'user',
      ':delta' => 0,
    $alias = $query
      ->leftJoin('users', 'user', "%alias.uid = {$pae_alias}.eid");
    if (isset($context['party_user']['has_user'])) {
      if ($context['party_user']['has_user']) {
      else {
    if (!empty($context['party_user']['values'])) {

      // Add our matching conditions.
      $match = isset($context['party_user']['values_operator']) && $context['party_user']['values_operator'] == 'OR' ? db_or() : db_and();
      foreach ($context['party_user']['values'] as $property => $value) {
          ->condition("{$alias}.{$property}", $value);

 * Implements hook_party_acquisition_post_acquisition().
 * Allow callers to indicate special user related behavior:
 * - $context['party_user']['fallback']: Set to TRUE to re-run the acquire
 *   without the user conditions if we were unable to get a result.
function party_user_party_acquisition_post_acquisition(&$party, &$method, array &$values, array &$context) {

  // Check we failed to get a party and want to re-run.
  if (!$party && !empty($context['party_user']['fallback'])) {

    // We want to re-run the whole thing without the user settings. Clone our
    // values and context so we don't alter them.
    $new_values = $values;
    $new_context = $context;
    $new_context['behavior'] = $context['original_behavior'];

    // Clear out the user settings and set a specific name.
    $new_context['name'] = 'party_user_rerun';

    // Run our new process, overriding the values.
    $party = party_acquire($new_values, $new_context, $method);