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protected static property PartyPrimaryFields::$sources in Party 7

Cache of primary field sources. An array of all the sources, grouped by data set. Outer keys are the data set name. Values are an array of:

  • All keys from self::$data_sets.
  • sources: An array of sources contained in this data set. Keys are an identifier (normally data_set_name:property[:value] who's values are arrays of:

    • label: The label of the property.
    • option label: The label and name of the property, suitable for options.
    • type: The data type as known by the entity property info.
    • field: Whether this is a field.
    • data_set: The data set this property is on.
    • property: The property on the data set entity.
    • value: The key of the structure of the property. If NULL, the property is taken as whole.
    • callbacks: Array of possible callbacks. Each one should have a unique key and it's value should be and array of:

      • label: Human readable label.
      • callback: A callable. It will receive the following arguments:
        • value: The value of the source field.
        • target: The name of the target property/field.
        • info: Metadata about the target property.
        • file: A file to include for the callback. This can either be a a string path relative to DRUPAL_ROOT or an array of (see module_load_include() arguments for key descriptions):

          • type
          • module
          • name

          A recommended location for callbacks is

      • type: The data type this callback returns.

Type: array


includes/, line 110
Primary field related functions and callbacks.


Helper class for primary fields.


protected static $sources;