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protected static property PartyPrimaryFields::$fields in Party 7

Cache of primary fields. An array of primary field information. Outer keys are target properties. Values are an array of sources each of which are an array of:

  • data_set: The data set name the property is on. 'party' is a special case which allows a party to refer to itself.
  • property: The property we are pulling from.
  • value: Optionally provide a sub-key of the property to use. The structure must be described with hook_entity_property_info().
  • callback: Optionally the key of a callback to use. The callback must be defined in the source's callbacks.
  • weight: The weight of this source. Lower weights are processed first.

Type: array


includes/, line 75
Primary field related functions and callbacks.


Helper class for primary fields.


protected static $fields;