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pardot.test in Pardot Integration 6

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  3. 7 pardot.test


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 * TODO Write test for webform submission functionality.
 * TODO Write scoring test.

 * Basic Pardot Test Case implementation.
class PardotFunctionalityTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Pardot functionality test',
      'description' => 'Test basic pardot functionality.',
      'group' => 'pardot',
  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('webform', 'pardot', 'path');

   * Verify that settings work and that basic JS Addition is functional.
  function testSettingsAndJSAddition() {

    // Create an administrator user.
    $permissions = array(
      'administer pardot',
    $user = $this

    // Set basic settings.
    $options = array(
      'pardot_a_id' => 12345,
      'pardot_c_id' => 23456,
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/pardot', $options, t('Save configuration'));
      ->assertRaw(t('The configuration options have been saved.'), t('Pardot configuration saved.'));
      ->assertRaw('piAId = "12345"', 'Pardot account id added to page.');
      ->assertRaw('piCId = "23456"', 'Pardot default campaign added to page.');
  function _testCampaignJS() {

    // Add a campaign.
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/pardot/campaign', array(
      'campaign_id' => 34567,
      'name' => 'Test 1',
      'paths' => 'node',
    ), t('Add'));
      ->assertRaw('piCId = "23456"', 'Pardot default campaign added to non-campaign page.');
      ->assertRaw('piCId = "34567"', 'Pardot Test 1 campaign added to capaign page.');

    // Modify a campaign.
      ->drupalPost("admin/settings/pardot/campaign/34567/edit", array(
      'name' => 'Test 1',
      'paths' => 'user/*',
    ), t('Save'));
      ->assertRaw('piCId = "34567"', 'Pardot Test 1 campaign added to capaign page after modification.');
      ->assertRaw('piCId = "23456"', 'Pardot default campaign added to non-campaign page after modification.');

    // Delete a campaign.
      ->drupalPost("admin/settings/pardot/campaign/34567/delete", array(), t('Delete'));
      ->assertRaw('piCId = "23456"', 'Pardot default campaign added to capaign page after campaign deletion.');
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/pardot/campaign', array(
      'campaign_id' => 34567,
      'name' => 'node path test',
      'paths' => 'pardot_test_1',
    ), t('Add'));
    $node = $this
      'path' => 'pardot_test_1',
      ->assertRaw('piCId = "34567"', 'Pardot campaign added to aliased node.');
  function _testScoringJS() {

    // Add a campaign.
      ->drupalPost('admin/settings/pardot/scoring', array(
      'path' => 'user/register',
      'score' => '50',
    ), t('Add'));
      ->assertNoRaw('piPoints = "', 'No Pardot scoring on general page.');
      ->assertRaw('piPoints = "50"', 'Pardot scoring found on scored page.');

    // Modify a campaign.
      ->drupalPost("admin/settings/pardot/scoring/1/edit", array(
      'path' => 'user/register',
      'score' => '60',
    ), t('Save'));
      ->assertNoRaw('piPoints = "', 'No Pardot scoring on general page after modification.');
      ->assertRaw('piPoints = "60"', 'Pardot scoring found on scored page after modification.');

    // Delete a campaign.
      ->drupalPost("admin/settings/pardot/scoring/1/delete", array(), t('Delete'));
      ->assertNoRaw('piPoints = "', 'Pardot scoring not found on scored page after deletion.');



Namesort descending Description
PardotFunctionalityTestCase Basic Pardot Test Case implementation.