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ParagraphsStylePluginTest.php in Paragraphs Collection 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\paragraphs_collection\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup;
use Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\WebDriverTestBase;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\paragraphs\Entity\Paragraph;
use Drupal\Tests\field_ui\Traits\FieldUiTestTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\paragraphs\FunctionalJavascript\LoginAdminTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\paragraphs\FunctionalJavascript\ParagraphsTestBaseTrait;

 * Tests the style selection plugin.
 * @see \Drupal\paragraphs_collection\Plugin\paragraphs\Behavior\ParagraphsStylePlugin
 * @group paragraphs_collection
class ParagraphsStylePluginTest extends WebDriverTestBase {
  use LoginAdminTrait;
  use ParagraphsTestBaseTrait;
  use FieldUiTestTrait;

   * Modules to be enabled.
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    // Place the breadcrumb, tested in fieldUIAddNewField().
    $this->admin_permissions = [
      'administer content types',
      'administer node fields',
      'administer paragraphs types',
      'administer node form display',
      'administer paragraph fields',
      'administer paragraph form display',

   * Tests the advanced style functionality.
  public function testAdvancedStyles() {

    // Install Paragraph Collection Test in order to have styles.
      ->addParagraphedContentType('paragraphed_test', 'paragraphs');
      'edit any paragraphed_test content',
      'edit behavior plugin settings',
      'use advanced style',

    // Create Paragraph type with Style plugin enabled.
    $paragraph_type = 'test_style_plugin';

    // Add a text field.
      ->fieldUIAddExistingField('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type, 'paragraphs_text', $paragraph_type);
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][advanced_test_group][default]' => '',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Create paragraphed content.
    $page = $this
      ->pressButton('List additional actions');

    // Assert a user has no access to super advanced style.
    $options = $this
      ->xpath('//select[contains(@id, :id)]/option', [
      ':id' => 'edit-paragraphs-0-behavior-plugins-style-style',
      ->assertCount(2, $options);
      ->assertEquals('- Default -', $options[0]
      ->assertEquals('Advanced', $options[1]

    // Apply advanced style.
      ->fillField('title[0][value]', 'advanced_style');
      ->fillField('paragraphs[0][subform][paragraphs_text][0][value]', 'I am text enhanced with advanced style.');
      ->fillField('paragraphs[0][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][advanced_test_group]', 'advanced');

    // Advanced style has been applied.
      ->assertCount(1, $this

    // Assert that the attributes are visible.
      ->assertCount(1, $this

    // Set advanced style as a default one.
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups][advanced_test_group]' => TRUE,
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][advanced_test_group][default]' => 'advanced',
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Anonymous users still see the advanced style applied.
    $node = $this
      ->assertCount(1, $this

    // Advanced style can not be changed without the style permission.
      'edit any paragraphed_test content',
      'edit behavior plugin settings',
      'use super-advanced style',

    // User cannot update the advanced style.
    $styles = $this
      ->assertEquals('disabled', $styles[0]

    // As the user can not access advanced style and as with super-advanced
    // style there would be only element in the list, no style selection is
    // displayed.
      ->pressButton('List additional actions');
    $styles = $this
      ->elementNotExists('css', 'select[name="paragraphs[1][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][advanced_test_group]"]');
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Save');

    // The advanced (default) style was applied to the second text paragraph.
      ->assertCount(2, $this

   * Tests the style selection plugin settings and functionality.
  public function testStyleSelection() {

    // Install Paragraph Collection Test in order to have styles.
      ->addParagraphedContentType('paragraphed_test', 'paragraphs');
      'edit any paragraphed_test content',
      'edit behavior plugin settings',

    // Create Paragraph type with Style plugin enabled.
    $paragraph_type = 'test_style_plugin';

    // Add a text field.
      ->fieldUIAddExistingField('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type, 'paragraphs_text', $paragraph_type);
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][enabled]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
      ->pageTextContains('The style plugin cannot be enabled if no groups are selected.');
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][regular_test_group][default]' => '',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Create paragraphed content.
    $page = $this
      ->pressButton('List additional actions');

    // Check that we have style plugin.

    // Check that the style options are sorted alphabetically.
    $options = $this
      ->xpath('//select[contains(@id, :id)]/option', [
      ':id' => 'edit-paragraphs-0-behavior-plugins-style-style',
      ->assertEquals('- Default -', $options[0]
      ->assertEquals('Bold', $options[1]
      ->assertEquals('Overridden style Module', $options[2]
      ->assertEquals('Regular', $options[3]

    // Restrict the paragraphs type to the "Italic Test Group" style group.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][italic_test_group][default]' => '',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Check that the style without a style group is no longer available.
      ->pressButton('List additional actions');

    // Since Italic Group defines only two styles, assert that only they appear.
    $options = $this
      ->xpath('//select[contains(@id, :id)]/option', [
      ':id' => 'edit-paragraphs-0-behavior-plugins-style-style',
      ->assertCount(3, $options);
      ->assertEquals('- Default -', $options[0]
      ->assertEquals('Bold', $options[1]
      ->assertEquals('Italic', $options[2]

    // Configure Regular as a default style.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
      ->assertFieldByName('behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][italic_test_group][default]', '');
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][regular_test_group][default]' => 'regular',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Regular style should be shown first in the list.
      ->pressButton('List additional actions');
    $option = $this
      ->assertEquals('regular', $option);
    $options = $this
      ->xpath('//select[contains(@id, :id)]/option', [
      ':id' => 'edit-paragraphs-0-behavior-plugins-style-style',
      ->assertCount(3, $options);
      ->assertEquals('- Regular -', $options[0]
      ->assertEquals('Bold', $options[1]

    // Default style should be applied.
      ->fillField('title[0][value]', 'style_plugin_node');
      ->fillField('paragraphs[0][subform][paragraphs_text][0][value]', 'I am regular text.');
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Save');

    // Assert the theme suggestion added by the style plugin.
    $style = $this
      ->xpath('//div[@class="regular regular-wrapper paragraphs-behavior-style--regular paragraph paragraph--type--test-style-plugin paragraph--view-mode--default"]')[0];

    // Assert default value for the style selection.
    $node = $this
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
    $option = $this
      ->assertEquals('regular', $option);

    // Update the styles group configuration.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][bold_test_group][default]' => 'bold',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save');

    // Assert the values on the behavior form.
      ->pageTextNotContains('Bold CONTEXT');
      ->pageTextNotContains('Empty Test Group');

    // Regular and Overline style groups are visible.
      ->assertOptionSelected('edit-paragraphs-0-behavior-plugins-style-style-wrapper-styles-regular-test-group', 'regular', 'Regular style group has a default option applied.');
      ->assertOptionSelected('edit-paragraphs-0-behavior-plugins-style-style-wrapper-styles-overline-test-group', '', 'There is no configured default value for Overline style group.');

    // Bold and Empty style groups are not visible as they have exactly one
    // item in the list.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Save');

    // Regular style has been selected through the form.
      ->assertCount(1, $this

    // Default Bold style has been applied in the background.
      ->assertCount(1, $this

    // Overline style has not been applied as it has no default option.
      ->elementNotExists('css', '.paragraphs-behavior-style--overline');

    // Empty style has not been applied as it has no default option nor styles.
      ->elementNotExists('css', '.paragraphs-behavior-style--empty');
    $edit = [
      // Set default style for the overline group.
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][overline_test_group][default]' => 'overline',
      // Remove default style for the bold group.
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][bold_test_group][default]' => '',
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type, $edit, 'Save');
    $edit = [
      'styles[bold][enabled]' => TRUE,
      'styles[italic][enabled]' => TRUE,
      'styles[underline][enabled]' => TRUE,
      'styles[overline][enabled]' => TRUE,
      // Disable regular style.
      'styles[regular][enabled]' => FALSE,
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/reports/paragraphs_collection/styles', $edit, 'Save configuration');

    // The new default overline style applies to the previously saved paragraph.
      ->assertCount(1, $this

    // The bold style has no default and no longer applies.
      ->elementNotExists('css', '.paragraphs-behavior-style--bold');

    // The regular style is disabled and no longer applies.
      ->elementNotExists('css', '.paragraphs-behavior-style--regular');

    // Default overline style is selected and all overline styles are disabled.
    // The empty form element should not be displayed.
    $edit = [
      'styles[bold][enabled]' => FALSE,
      'styles[italic][enabled]' => TRUE,
      'styles[underline][enabled]' => TRUE,
      // Disable overline style.
      'styles[overline][enabled]' => FALSE,
      'styles[regular][enabled]' => FALSE,
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/reports/paragraphs_collection/styles', $edit, 'Save configuration');

   * Tests style settings summary.
  public function testStyleSettingsSummary() {

    // Install Paragraph Collection Test in order to have styles.
      'create paragraphed_test content',
      'edit any paragraphed_test content',
      'edit behavior plugin settings',

    // Create text paragraph.
    $text_paragraph = Paragraph::create([
      'type' => 'text',
      'paragraphs_text' => [
        'value' => '<p>Test text 1.</p>',
        'format' => 'basic_html',

    // Create a container paragraph for the text paragraph.
    $paragraph = Paragraph::create([
      'title' => 'Demo Paragraph',
      'type' => 'container',
      'paragraphs_container_paragraphs' => [

    // Create a node with the paragraphs content.
    $node = Node::create([
      'title' => 'Style plugin test',
      'type' => 'paragraphed_test',
      'field_paragraphs' => [

    // Check the empty summary.
    $behavior_plugins = $paragraph
    $behavior_plugins['style'] = [
      'enabled' => TRUE,
      'groups' => [
        'bold_test_group' => [
          'default' => '',
      ->set('behavior_plugins', $behavior_plugins);
    $style_plugin = $paragraph
      ->assertEquals([], $style_plugin

    // Use bold style for this container.
      ->setBehaviorSettings('style', [
      'styles' => [
        'bold_test_group' => 'bold',
        'label' => 'Bold CONTEXT',
        'value' => 'Bold',
    ], $style_plugin
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph
      ->pageTextContains('Bold Test Group');

    // Check the settings summary in a closed mode.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'field_paragraphs_settings_edit');
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
      'fields[field_paragraphs][settings_edit_form][settings][edit_mode]' => 'closed',
    ], t('Update'));
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Save');
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->assertRaw('<span class="summary-content">Test text 1.</span></div><div class="paragraphs-plugin-wrapper"><span class="summary-plugin"><span class="summary-plugin-label">Bold CONTEXT</span>Bold');

    // Configure style bold as default.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][bold_test_group][default]' => 'bold',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Check that the settings summary does not show the default style.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->assertRaw('<span class="summary-content">Test text 1.');
      ->assertNoRaw('Style: Bold');
      ->assertNoRaw('Style: - Bold -');

   * Tests style plugin with no styles available.
  public function testNoStylesAvailable() {
      ->addParagraphedContentType('paragraphed_test', 'paragraphs');
      'edit any paragraphed_test content',
      'edit behavior plugin settings',

    // Create Paragraph type with Style plugin enabled.
    $paragraph_type = 'test_style_plugin';

    // Add a text field.
      ->fieldUIAddExistingField('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type, 'paragraphs_text', 'paragraphs_text');
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
    $options = $this
      ->assertCount(0, $options);
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][enabled]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Make sure there is an error message shown for the style group.
      ->pageTextContains('There is no style group available, the style plugin can not be enabled.');

   * Tests global settings for style plugin.
  public function testGlobalStyleSettings() {

    // Install paragraphs collection test to use test style plugins.
      ->addParagraphedContentType('paragraphed_test', 'paragraphs');
      'edit any paragraphed_test content',
      'edit behavior plugin settings',

    // Create Paragraph type with Style plugin enabled.
    $paragraph_type = 'test_style_plugin';

    // Add a text field.
      ->fieldUIAddExistingField('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type, 'paragraphs_text', 'paragraphs_text');
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], t('Save'));
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);

    // Assert global settings.
      ->assertFieldByName('styles[bold][enabled]', FALSE);
      ->assertFieldByName('styles[italic][enabled]', FALSE);
      ->assertFieldByName('styles[regular][enabled]', FALSE);
      ->assertFieldByName('styles[underline][enabled]', FALSE);

    // Add a node with paragraphs and check the available styles.
    $page = $this
      ->pressButton('List additional actions');
      ->pressButton('paragraphs_' . $paragraph_type . '_add_more');
    $options = $this
      ->assertCount(6, $options);
      ->fillField('title[0][value]', 'global_settings');
    $edit = [
      'paragraphs[0][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][bold_test_group]' => 'bold',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save');
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], t('Save'));

    // Update global settings and enable two styles.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], 'Save configuration');
    $node = $this
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node

    // Assert that the class of the plugin is not added if disabled.

    // Assert that only the two enabled styles are available.
    $options = $this
      ->assertCount(2, $options);
      ->getHtml(), '- Default -');
      ->getHtml(), 'Italic');
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
    $options = $this
      ->assertCount(2, $options);
      ->getHtml(), '- None -');
      ->getHtml(), 'Italic');

    // Enable bold and italic styles.
    $edit = [
      'styles[bold][enabled]' => TRUE,
      'styles[italic][enabled]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPostForm('admin/reports/paragraphs_collection/styles', $edit, 'Save configuration');

    // Set default style to italic.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][italic_test_group][default]' => 'italic',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Set the paragraph style to bold.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [
      'paragraphs[0][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][italic_test_group]' => 'bold',
    ], t('Save'));

    // Assert that the selection is correctly displayed.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->assertOptionSelected('edit-paragraphs-0-behavior-plugins-style-style-wrapper-styles-italic-test-group', 'bold');

    // Disable the bold style.
    $edit = [
      'styles[bold][enabled]' => FALSE,
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save configuration');

    // The plugin should fallback on the default style defined.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node

   * Tests the multiple style selection plugin settings and functionality.
  public function testMultipleGroups() {

    // Install Paragraph Collection Test in order to have styles.
      ->addParagraphedContentType('paragraphed_test', 'paragraphs');
      'edit any paragraphed_test content',
      'edit behavior plugin settings',

    // Create Paragraph type with Style plugin enabled.
    $paragraph_type = 'test_style_plugin';

    // Add a text field.
      ->fieldUIAddExistingField('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type, 'paragraphs_text', $paragraph_type);

    // Restrict the paragraphs type to the "Italic Test Group" style group.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][italic_test_group][default]' => 'italic',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Create a paragraphed test node and check the style classes.
    $page = $this
      ->pressButton('List additional actions');

    // Since Italic Group defines only two styles, assert that only they appear.
    $options = $this
      ->xpath('//select[contains(@id, :id)]/option', [
      ':id' => 'edit-paragraphs-0-behavior-plugins-style-style',
      ->assertCount(2, $options);
      ->assertEquals('- Italic -', $options[0]
      ->assertEquals('Bold', $options[1]
    $edit = [
      'title[0][value]' => 'title_to_remember',
      'paragraphs[0][subform][paragraphs_text][0][value]' => 'text to apply styles',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save');

    // Configure two groups and set their defaults.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][regular_test_group][default]' => 'regular',
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][italic_test_group][default]' => 'italic',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Check the selects elements for each enabled group and check the classes.
    $node = $this
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
    $options = $this
      ->xpath('//select[contains(@name, :name)]/option', [
      ':name' => 'paragraphs[0][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][regular_test_group]',
      ->assertCount(3, $options);
      ->assertEquals('- Regular -', $options[0]
      ->assertEquals('Bold', $options[1]
    $options = $this
      ->xpath('//select[contains(@name, :name)]/option', [
      ':name' => 'paragraphs[0][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][italic_test_group]',
      ->assertCount(2, $options);
      ->assertEquals('- Italic -', $options[0]
      ->assertEquals('Bold', $options[1]
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node

    // Configure Regular as a default style.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][regular_test_group][default]' => 'bold',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Check that there is only one select and only one style class.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
    $options = $this
      ->xpath('//select[contains(@name, :name)]/option', [
      ':name' => 'paragraphs[0][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][regular_test_group]',
      ->assertCount(3, $options);
      ->assertEquals('- Bold -', $options[0]
      ->assertEquals('Overridden style Module', $options[1]
      ->assertEquals('Regular', $options[2]
    $styles = $this
      ->xpath('//select[contains(@name, :name)]', [
      ':name' => 'paragraphs[0][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][italic_test_group]',
      ->assertEquals([], $styles);
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node

    // Configure Regular as a default style.
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][italic_test_group][default]' => 'italic',
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][regular_test_group][default]' => 'regular',
      'behavior_plugins[style][settings][groups_defaults][underline_test_group][default]' => 'underline',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));

    // Check that there is only one select and only one style class.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
    $options = $this
      ->xpath('//select[contains(@name, :name)]/option', [
      ':name' => 'paragraphs[0][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][regular_test_group]',
      ->assertCount(3, $options);
      ->assertEquals('- Regular -', $options[0]
      ->assertEquals('Bold', $options[1]
    $options = $this
      ->xpath('//select[contains(@name, :name)]/option', [
      ':name' => 'paragraphs[0][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][italic_test_group]',
      ->assertCount(2, $options);
      ->assertEquals('- Italic -', $options[0]
      ->assertEquals('Bold', $options[1]
    $options = $this
      ->xpath('//select[contains(@name, :name)]/option', [
      ':name' => 'paragraphs[0][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][underline_test_group]',
      ->assertCount(2, $options);
      ->assertEquals('- Underline -', $options[0]
      ->assertEquals('Bold', $options[1]
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node

    // Change a plugin.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
    $edit = [
      'paragraphs[0][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][regular_test_group]' => 'bold',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save');

    // Assert the theme suggestion added by the style plugin.

   * Tests the style overriding with sub themes.
  public function testStyleOverriding() {

    // Install theme c and assert that the gotten style has the class "c".
    $style_discovery = \Drupal::getContainer()
    $style = $style_discovery
      ->assertEquals($style['title'], new TranslatableMarkup('Overridden style Module'));
      ->assertEquals($style['classes'], [
    $style = $style_discovery
      ->assertEquals($style['title'], new TranslatableMarkup('Overridden style A'));
      ->assertEquals($style['classes'], [
    $style = $style_discovery
      ->assertEquals($style['title'], new TranslatableMarkup('Overridden style C'));
      ->assertEquals($style['classes'], [

   * Tests the style template picking.
  public function testStyleTemplate() {

    // Install paragraphs collection test to use test style plugins.
    $theme_config = \Drupal::configFactory()
      ->set('default', 'paragraphs_collection_test_theme_a');
      ->addParagraphedContentType('paragraphed_test', 'paragraphs');
      'edit any paragraphed_test content',
      'edit behavior plugin settings',

    // Enable the style plugin.
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, [], t('Save'));

    // Add a Separator paragraph and check if it uses the paragraph type
    // template.
    $page = $this
      ->pressButton('List additional actions');
    $edit = [
      'title[0][value]' => 'test_title',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save');

    // Assert that the Paragraph type template is used.

    // Set the style for the paragraphs and check if it uses the style template.
    $node = $this
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');
    $edit = [
      'paragraphs[0][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][regular_test_group]' => 'style-overridden',
      ->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, 'Save');

    // Assert that the Style template is used.



Namesort descending Description
ParagraphsStylePluginTest Tests the style selection plugin.