You are here in Paragraphs Collection 8



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  1. paragraphs-green:
  2. title: 'Green'
  3. description: 'Green background with white font color, text centered.'
  4. groups:
  5. - general_group
  6. libraries:
  7. - 'paragraphs_collection_demo/style'
  8. paragraphs-blue:
  9. title: 'Blue'
  10. description: 'Blue background with white font color, text centered.'
  11. groups:
  12. - general_group
  13. libraries:
  14. - 'paragraphs_collection_demo/style'
  15. paragraphs-slideshow-light:
  16. title: 'Slideshow Light'
  17. description: 'Light blue background with centered text.'
  18. groups:
  19. - slideshow_group
  20. libraries:
  21. - 'paragraphs_collection_demo/style'
  22. paragraphs-slideshow-dark:
  23. title: 'Slideshow Dark'
  24. description: 'Dark blue background with centered text.'
  25. groups:
  26. - slideshow_group
  27. libraries:
  28. - 'paragraphs_collection_demo/style'