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editor.editor.panopoly_wysiwyg_basic.yml in Panopoly WYSIWYG 8.2



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  1. langcode: en
  2. status: true
  3. dependencies:
  4. config:
  5. - filter.format.panopoly_wysiwyg_basic
  6. module:
  7. - ckeditor
  8. format: panopoly_wysiwyg_basic
  9. editor: ckeditor
  10. settings:
  11. toolbar:
  12. rows:
  13. -
  14. -
  15. name: Formatting
  16. items:
  17. - Bold
  18. - Italic
  19. - Strike
  20. -
  21. name: 'Lists and Quotes'
  22. items:
  23. - BulletedList
  24. - NumberedList
  25. - Blockquote
  26. -
  27. name: 'Text Align'
  28. items:
  29. - JustifyLeft
  30. - JustifyCenter
  31. - JustifyRight
  32. -
  33. name: 'Linking and Break'
  34. items:
  35. - DrupalLink
  36. - DrupalUnlink
  37. - panopoly_wysiwyg_anchor
  38. - DrupalBreak
  39. -
  40. name: Tools
  41. items:
  42. - panopoly_media_wysiwyg_media_embed
  43. - Maximize
  44. - Source
  45. - panopoly_wysiwyg_kitchensink
  46. -
  47. -
  48. name: 'Block Formatting'
  49. items:
  50. - Format
  51. -
  52. name: Underline
  53. items:
  54. - Underline
  55. -
  56. name: Justify
  57. items:
  58. - JustifyBlock
  59. -
  60. name: Table
  61. items:
  62. - Table
  63. -
  64. name: 'Clear Formatting'
  65. items:
  66. - PasteText
  67. - PasteFromWord
  68. - RemoveFormat
  69. -
  70. name: 'Special Characters'
  71. items:
  72. - SpecialChar
  73. -
  74. name: Indentation
  75. items:
  76. - Outdent
  77. - Indent
  78. -
  79. name: Undo/Redo
  80. items:
  81. - Undo
  82. - Redo
  83. plugins:
  84. stylescombo:
  85. styles: ''
  86. drupallink:
  87. linkit_enabled: true
  88. linkit_profile: default
  89. language:
  90. language_list: un
  91. colorbutton:
  92. colors: ''
  93. image_upload:
  94. status: true
  95. scheme: public
  96. directory: inline-images
  97. max_size: ''
  98. max_dimensions:
  99. width: null
  100. height: null