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README.txt in Panopoly Magic 7

Panopoly Magic
Weaves together the chaos magic. Very cool stuff.

Key Features
* Magical customization of the Panels IPE experience
* Enables editing of specific field content in the Panels IPE
* Provides live previews of content administered using the Panels IPE
* Allows extensive customization of Views settings when added to Panels


View source
  1. Panopoly Magic
  2. ==============
  3. Weaves together the chaos magic. Very cool stuff.
  4. Key Features
  5. * Magical customization of the Panels IPE experience
  6. * Enables editing of specific field content in the Panels IPE
  7. * Provides live previews of content administered using the Panels IPE
  8. * Allows extensive customization of Views settings when added to Panels