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6 calls to TestSubContext::getRegion() in Panopoly 7

TestSubContext::assertAltRegion in modules/panopoly/panopoly_test/behat/steps/
@Then /^I should see the image alt "(?P<text>(?:[^"]|\\")*)" in the "(?P<region>[^"]*)" region$/
TestSubContext::assertNotRegionElementTextAttribute in modules/panopoly/panopoly_test/behat/steps/
@Then I should not see :text in the :tag element with the :attribute attribute set to :value in the :region region
TestSubContext::assertNotRegionMatchesText in modules/panopoly/panopoly_test/behat/steps/
Asserts that the region does not contain text matching specified pattern.
TestSubContext::assertRegionElementText in modules/panopoly/panopoly_test/behat/steps/
@Then I should see :text in the :tag element in the :region region
TestSubContext::assertRegionMatchesText in modules/panopoly/panopoly_test/behat/steps/
Asserts that the region contains text matching specified pattern.
TestSubContext::assertValidImageRegion in modules/panopoly/panopoly_test/behat/steps/
Asserts that an image is present and not broken.