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behat.common.yml in Panopoly 7

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.2 modules/panopoly/panopoly_test/behat/behat.common.yml


View source
  1. default:
  2. suites:
  3. default:
  4. paths:
  5. features: 'features'
  6. contexts:
  7. - FeatureContext
  8. - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalContext
  9. - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MinkContext
  10. - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\MarkupContext
  11. - Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrushContext
  12. extensions:
  13. Drupal\MinkExtension:
  14. goutte: ~
  15. selenium2:
  16. browser: chrome
  17. capabilities:
  18. browser: chrome
  19. browserName: chrome
  20. browserVersion: ANY
  21. chrome:
  22. switches:
  23. - "--headless"
  24. - "--disable-gpu"
  25. version: ANY
  26. #base_url:
  27. #files_path: './profiles/panopoly/modules/panopoly/panopoly_test/tests'
  28. Drupal\DrupalExtension:
  29. blackbox: ~
  30. #drush:
  31. # root: '/path/to/drupal/root'
  32. #drupal:
  33. # drupal_root: '/path/to/drupal/root'
  34. api_driver: 'drupal'
  35. region_map:
  36. # The region on panopoly_page where the body appears (frequently
  37. # customized on child distributions).
  38. Panopoly Page Content: '.bryant-content'
  39. # Regions for Radix Layouts
  40. Boxton Content: ".boxton .radix-layouts-content"
  41. Bryant Content: ".bryant .radix-layouts-content"
  42. Bryant Sidebar: ".bryant .radix-layouts-sidebar"
  43. Bryant Flipped Content: ".bryant-flipped .radix-layouts-content"
  44. Bryant Flipped Sidebar: ".bryant-flipped .radix-layouts-sidebar"
  45. # For Panels / Panopoly specific regions.
  46. CTools modal: "#modalContent"
  47. Live preview: ".panopoly-magic-preview"
  48. Linkit modal: "#linkit-modal"
  49. # For the Media Browser
  50. Media web tab: '#media-tab-media_internet'
  51. Media upload tab: '#media-tab-upload'
  52. Media library tab: '#media-tab-media_default--media_browser_1'
  53. Manual Crop: '.page-media-browser > .manualcrop-overlay'
  54. # These are the regions for responsive_bartik.
  55. Main menu: "#main-menu"
  56. Header: ".region-header"
  57. Featured: ".region-featured"
  58. Highlighted: ".region-highlighted"
  59. Help: ".region-help"
  60. Tabs: ".tabs"
  61. Content: ".region-content"
  62. Sidebar first: ".region-sidebar-first"
  63. Sidebar second: ".region-sidebar-second"
  64. Triptych first: ".region-triptych-first"
  65. Triptych middle: ".region-triptych-middle"
  66. Triptych last: ".region-triptych-last"
  67. Footer first column: ".region-footer-firstcolumn"
  68. Footer second column: ".region-footer-secondcolumn"
  69. Footer third column: ".region-footer-thirdcolumn"
  70. Footer fourth column: ".region-footer-fourthcolumn"
  71. Footer: ".region-footer"
  72. Search: "#search-form"
  73. Panopoly Magic Style Settings: "#panels-edit-style-settings-form #edit-general-settings"