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protected function RoboFile::updateChangelog in Panopoly 7

Updates a CHANGELOG.txt file for a new release.


string $filename: The file to update.

string $name: The human-readable name of the project.

string $version: The new version.

string $entry: The text content of the changelog (from `drush rn --changelog`).

1 call to RoboFile::updateChangelog()
RoboFile::releaseCreate in ./RoboFile.php
Release Stage 1: results in local tag and commit for the new version.


./RoboFile.php, line 622


This is project's console commands configuration for Robo task runner.


protected function updateChangelog($filename, $name, $version, $entry) {
  $changelog = file_exists($filename) ? file_get_contents($filename) : '';
  $version_line = "{$name} {$version}, " . date('Y-m-d') . "\n";
  if (strpos($changelog, $version_line) !== FALSE) {
      ->say("Changes for {$version} already present in {$filename} - skipping!");

  // Do word wrapping.
  $entry_parts = array_slice(explode("\n", str_replace("\r", "", wordwrap($entry))), 1);
  $entry_parts = array_map(function ($line) {
    return empty($line) || strpos($line, '-') === 0 ? $line : '  ' . $line;
  }, $entry_parts);
  $entry = implode("\n", $entry_parts);

  // Add header and deal with empty data.
  $entry = $version_line . $entry;
  if (strpos($entry, '- ') === FALSE) {
    $entry = str_replace("\n\n", "\n- No changes since last release.\n\n", $entry);

  // Prepend the new entry to the changelog file.
  $changelog = $entry . $changelog;
  file_put_contents($filename, $changelog);