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protected function PanelsEverywhereTestHelper::checkSevenThemeEnabled in Panels Everywhere 7

Check if the Seven theme is PE enabled.

2 calls to PanelsEverywhereTestHelper::checkSevenThemeEnabled()
PanelsEverywhereSettingsTestCase::testAllThemes in tests/PanelsEverywhereSettingsTestCase.test
Ensure the on/off variable works.
PanelsEverywhereSettingsTestCase::testPerThemeOption in tests/PanelsEverywhereSettingsTestCase.test
Ensure that the option for enabling PE for different themes works.


tests/PanelsEverywhereTestHelper.test, line 148
Some helper functions for the other tests.


@file Some helper functions for the other tests.


protected function checkSevenThemeEnabled() {

  // Make sure Seven is set as the default theme.

  // Load the front page.

  // Look for DOM structures that indicate that PE is being used.
    ->assertRaw('<div class="panel-flexible panels-flexible-new clearfix" id="page-wrapper">');