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protected function PanelsEverywhereTestHelper::checkSearch in Panels Everywhere 7

Abstracted test to ensure that core's search functionality works.


string $path: The path to load to start the search from.

7 calls to PanelsEverywhereTestHelper::checkSearch()
PanelsEverywhereBasicsTestCase::testSearch in tests/PanelsEverywhereBasicsTestCase.test
Ensure the search form loads correctly when PE is enabled for a theme.
PanelsEverywhereNodeEditTestCase::testSearchWithoutPanels in tests/PanelsEverywhereNodeEditTestCase.test
Confirm that the search form works from a node-add page.
PanelsEverywhereNodeEditTestCase::testSearchWithPanels in tests/PanelsEverywhereNodeEditTestCase.test
Confirm that the search form works from a Panels node-add page.
PanelsEverywhereTermEditTestCase::testSearchWithoutPanels in tests/PanelsEverywhereTermEditTestCase.test
Confirm that the search form works from a term-add page without Panels.
PanelsEverywhereTermEditTestCase::testSearchWithPanels in tests/PanelsEverywhereTermEditTestCase.test
Confirm that the search form works from a Panels term-add page.

... See full list


tests/PanelsEverywhereTestHelper.test, line 78
Some helper functions for the other tests.


@file Some helper functions for the other tests.


protected function checkSearch($path = '<front>') {
  $keyword = 'Test';

  // Create some sample content.
  // $this->createSampleNodes('Test');
  // Load a node-add page.

  // Look for the search box.

  // Submit the search box.
  $edit = array(
    'search_block_form' => $keyword,
    ->drupalPost(NULL, $edit, t('Search'));

  // Confirm that the page was loaded.
    ->assertText(t('Your search yielded no results'));
    ->assertURL('search/node/' . $keyword);