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panels_everywhere.module in Panels Everywhere 8.4

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  2. 7 panels_everywhere.module


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use Drupal\page_manager\PageVariantInterface;

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_create().
 * We need to set the storage information on Panels displays being storaged
 * in Page Manager as early as possible, to signal to Panels that features
 * requiring Panels storage (like the IPE) are supported.
 * @see panels_page_variant_presave()
function panels_everywhere_page_variant_create(PageVariantInterface $page_variant) {
  if ($page_variant
    ->getVariantPluginId() == 'panels_everywhere_variant') {

    /** @var \Drupal\panels\Plugin\DisplayVariant\PanelsDisplayVariant $panels_display */
    $panels_display = $page_variant

    // At this point, it very likely that $page_variant->id() is NULL. But
    // setting the storage type to 'page_manager' is enough to trigger Panels
    // to offer the IPE as an option.
      ->setStorage('page_manager', $page_variant

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_presave().
 * Now that we have the id for the page variant, we need to set the storage
 * information again.
 * @see panels_page_variant_create()
function panels_everywhere_page_variant_presave(PageVariantInterface $page_variant) {
  if ($page_variant
    ->getVariantPluginId() == 'panels_everywhere_variant') {

    /** @var \Drupal\panels\Plugin\DisplayVariant\PanelsDisplayVariant $panels_display */
    $panels_display = $page_variant

    // Set the storage info now that we have the id.
      ->setStorage('page_manager', $page_variant

    // It's ConfigEntityBase::preSave() that copies configuration from plugin
    // collections to the config entity, and unfortunately, that runs just
    // before invoking hook_entity_presave(). So, we have to copy the
    // configuration from $panels_display to $page_variant again manually for
    // it to be saved.
      ->set('variant_settings', $panels_display

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

/* Like array_splice(), but preserves the key(s) of the replacement array. */
function array_splice_assoc(&$input, $offset, $length = 0, $replacement = array()) {
  $tail = array_splice($input, $offset);
  $extracted = array_splice($tail, 0, $length);
  $input += $replacement + $tail;
  return $extracted;